-Chapter Eleven- Memories

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We left the school and uncle Killigan. I miss him and Helios already. But we do have Enny with us.

Today is my birthday, April 1st. I'm nineteen. Roman said that we were going to a safe house in Agrath of all places but we for now are going to stay in the city of Deter which is the capital of De Torra, our home. We are going to the home of our enemies to live there after a few things are in order.

I hope Enny will be ok with us taking her in. She didn't have to, I did give her the choice to stay with Killigan until she found a good home with someone. But she chose to follow us. I hope she doesn't regret it.

At the moment we are in a small cabin outside of the town, next to a beach. I'm currently sitting on the sand as Enny is playing in the water. I fiddle with some broken glass and stare off at the setting sun on the waters. As it gets darker I call to Enny and we both head back to the cabin. At the cabin Enny lays down on the couch head in my lap and I look at the cut I got on my hand from the glass I was playing with.



Dante stocks towards me as I fearfully back myself into a table. My hands grip the edge and he slams his hand onto the table making me flinch turning my head away from him. Tears began to sneak out of my closed eyes and onto the back of my hands.

"LOOK AT ME!" He screamed in my face. I turn my face up to the giant 6'3 to my short 5'0 and looked into his anger filled purple eyes with my tear filled gold eyes. He began to laugh hysterically as he paced the room then stopped to close to my face.

"Don't try to run away again! Got it?!" He glared and seethed at me. "Cause you know what happens when you run." He frowned. "Guards!" He yelled as two men in Agrath military clothes came in and dragged me to the dungeon.

These people forced me to play their sick games. The arena, the place where I fight the strongest men in Agrath. The generals, commanders, warriors. And they were all Titans of Agrath. They were to strong for me, one of the strongest of the races. Nihil, Elementals and  Giants are all equal in strength with Titans but as a small girl I am obviously weaker then large men twice my size.

I stand in the arena in front of Serat, Dante's right hand man. He charges at me and throws me onto the ground. I turn over from my back onto my side and spit out blood.

After the fights, which Dante never came to, I was thrown into a cell without food for a few days. I never understood that man.


After my parents died, my brother who was 20 at the time and I was 10, was in hiding with our uncle Killigan. I was taken by Titans of Agrath and then made to be a servant for the royal family. I was there for 5 years in service to the King Petros Verona and Queen Zaria Venora with their only son Prince Dante Verona who was 22 at the time and very indifferent to his parents rule. His parents were soon murdered after 3 years of me being there. The King and Queen were ruthless. I was Queen Zaria's personal handmaid and was constantly beaten due to the fact 'I was too pretty for my own good'. The King was not any better with his sneer remarks to any woman in the room, maid or not. He was a disgusting man. His son was never around much until a year before his parents were murdered. That is when he became very violent to anyone who spoke against him. He spared no life if you didn't agree with what him. After his parents deaths he took charge of the kingdom and actually was a decent king, a good person on the other hand, that was debatable. But of all the people there, there was one who was nice to me. A solider by the name of Zeroth. He was 21 and I was 15 when we met in the dungeon where I was locked up and he was doing his rounds. We became close friends and spent a lot of time together. He also spent a lot of time with Dante and they also became close friends. And then after all of that I escaped. How? Zero helped me. He told me he overheard plans from Dante to kill me and he didn't want me to die so he snuck me out late one night and I never looked back. I don't even know if Zero is still alive.

I hated that place. It scared me to even think about that place. The guards there were also terrible and don't even get me started on the other royals that visited. All of them wanted something from us maids that wasn't always asked for nicely. What was the most disgusting is that they only had the most beautiful woman work in the palace, 'to show our allies and enemies that we get whatever we want'. And the sad thing is, half the women there wanted those jobs and threw themselves at the royals.

It was scary for me. And I have always hated this about me, but I usually am known for making rash and brave choices, but deep down I'm terrified of everything and don't want people to know cause it'll show that I'm weak and I'm not weak! Or, at least I would like to think that I'm not.

"Hey, is Enny sleeping?" Roman whispered as he walked into the cabin.

"Yeah. She and I went to the beach today, cut myself." I showed him my hand with the cut.

"Nell, please be careful." He said with hurt evident in his voice. He placed his coat on the rack and sighed looking at a sleeping Enny.

"She is sure a sweet kid. I only hope the world is t to cruel to her as it was to you." He walked over to us with a smile and placed a hand on my cheek wiping away a tear I didnt know was there.

"You okay? You normally don't cry." He asked his eyes and voice filled with concern.

"Yeah. Just, remembering stuff and thinking that Enny has probably already experienced more then she needs to.... And us too." I said holding back tears but letting a couple fall.

Roman scooped up Enny and laid her down on one of the beds in our room and I laid down on the other. He than left to his room.

I...don't want to hurt anyone but, i sometimes think it'd be better without me here to burden others with my problems. But I know for a fact that, they need me. Roman and Enny need me there for them, and them for me cause we are family, and that is what a family is for.

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