-Chapter Twelve- We Meet Again

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It's been a month now since we came to the cabin and now we are getting ready to head to the capitol of Agrath, the city of Vivia. It was a long trip too, a week. We had to be smuggled into the country which took awhile but we made it safely to Vivia. Vivia was a large bustling city with lots of street vendors and people everywhere. There was a military compound on every major street which was kinda dangerous but we knew that we wouldn't be noticed, not unless the king himself or someone from inside the palace comes into the city. Which is a rarity.

"This is where we will be staying." Stated Roman as we stood in front of a skyscraper that was as tall as all of the others surrounding it. We headed inside and a man greeted us at the reception counter.

"How may I help you?" He asked kindly.

"We have an apartment on the 7th floor, room 204. The rooms under the name Dimitri." He informed the man behind the counter. The man left then came back with two keys and a letter handing both to Roman.

"Thanks." Roman said.

We headed to the elevator and pushed 7th floor and waited for it to stop on our floor. I held Enny's hand and luggage in the other. The elevator dinged and we got off and walked down the hall to room 204 and Roman unlocked the door. We filed in and dropped our luggage on the floor.

"Home." I said with a smile.

"Home." Enny said looking at me with a smile.

We unpacked all of our stuff in each of our rooms since there was three. As you walked in there was a living room and if you turned to your left was a small kitchen and dining room and on the right was a hallway with four doors, three bedrooms and a bathroom.

"Roman, do have enough money to last us a while?" I asked.

"Uh, I used half of it to get us in the country and the cabin back home. So no. I'll get a job though." He said.

"I will too." I stated sternly.

Roman looked over at me.

"No." He commanded.

I rolled my eyes. I'm not gonna let you just take care of all three of us.

"Roman, I'm getting a job. And Enny is going go to school. I'll pay." I said.

He sighed.

"I don't want you out in the open more than you need to be. And Enny going to school, I'll pay for it." He replied.

I sigh.

"Roman! You could barely keep me alive. I didn't even go to school for a long time and we barely even had money for food.!" I scolded with my hands on my hips. "Please, I want to do this for Enny. She deserves a proper life." I pleaded.

He was silent for a moment then shook his head.

"Fine, but you take her to school and get a job where it's short hours and close to home." He commanded.

I smiled triumphantly and hugged him wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Thank you! Thank you!" I squealed in excitement.

After eight days of life in the apartment both Roman and I found jobs. Roman works at a club as a bartender at night and during the day he works for a security company that hire out bodyguards for companies and businessmen.

I worked at a restaurant across the street as a waitress and school for Enny was a 30 minute walk from home which I walked with her everyday and picked her up. My hours were 12:00pm to 2:30 and an hour and a half break to pick up Enny and then 4:00 to 6:00.

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