-Chapter Five- The Mysterious Class A Student

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I was sitting down in my apartment on the sofa tending to my wounds when I heard sirens going off. I stood up and went to the large arched window in the living room and looked down at the city streets. There in the street were two police cars parked outside of my building and the police coming inside.

"What are they doing here?" I asked.

No reply. As expected of silence.

I ignored it and went back to treating my wounds. Then a loud knock on my door interrupted me.

I got up, put my shirt on over my half naked body and shuffled to the door. Looking through the peephole I saw a young officer, maybe in his twenties, standing in the hall. I creaked open the door slightly and stuck my head out to take a quick look around. I was only wearing panties and a tshirt, so I was trying to avoid people looking at my inappropriate apparel.

"Hi." I smiled at the officer.

I pulled the door open more, but closed enough to not see my bare legs.

"How can I help you officer?" I asked.

He looked slightly uncomfortable. Could he be new to the job? Or am I to naked for him to have any composure?

"Uh, yes. I..I'm looking for..." He pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. "This guy. H.. he lives in this apartment building. Have you seen him maybe?" He seemed really nervous.

I looked at the picture of the guy. The guy in the picture had longer hair that was darker than black itself, eyes of emerald that screamed intimidating. His face was sharp with strong features like a god, he was perfect. Not like an Angel, who were known for being the most beautiful of the races. He had more darkness than an angel. They are more soft and delicate. He is more brutish, rugged, and harsh.

"Hmm... nope haven't seen him. Sorry I couldn't be much help. Why are you looking for this guy? He a criminal? " I asked.

He sighed and put the paper back in his pocket.

"No, that's fine. Uh, he is actually a friend of mine sorta. He...he lives in the building and I worry about him from time to time cause sometimes he just disappears for a while without telling me. Anhways, Thank you for your cooperation." He smiled at me and made his way to the next door. I shut the door behind me, went to the kitchen, and grabbed some juice from the fridge.

That guy in the picture looked familiar to me for some reason, but I can't quite put my finger on it.


Today is my tenth day as a trainee. I am in my math class waiting for it to end. And next is yet another boring class. History. But after that is physical training for the rest of the day. So at least I have something to look forward to.

It's not that I'm bad at learning or anything, I'm actually really fast at learning. I have a really good memory. I just hate sitting around. I get bored and antsy.

I gather my text books and other stuff as the bell rings.

"Hey, your Cornelia right?" Asked the girl next to me.

"I'm Vera." The girl holds out her hand for me to shake.

I stare at her for a brief moment before I shake her hand.

"What do you want?" I ask getting straight to the point.

Her smile fads into a more annoyed expression.

"You're good at combat. I'm not. Maybe you could show me a few things so I don't fall behind." She stated.

Vera Dalen, a prodigy apparently. Her parents' parents were some kind of legendary heroes. Saved a lot of people. They were great warriors. Vera, not so much. She's a genius, but terrible at anything physical. And everybody knows it.

"Fine. When's a good time?" I ask.

She smiles so big and literally squeals in my ear.

"Six o'clock on the training grounds." She ordered then left with her fire red hair whipping around.

All right then!

I slowly get up from my seat and head to the door of the now empty classroom.

It cleared out fast.

I start to make my way down the hall when someone yelled 'Hey' and I turned to see what the commotion was. It was a boy calling out to one of his friends. So I turned back around and as I did so I ran into the wall.

"HA! Did you just see that?!" Laughed a bystander.

The whole running into a wall was kind of funny. But I didn't like it when people laughed so meanly about it.

I turn to the guy who pointed me out and glared at him. We made eye contact and maybe because I was blushing of embarrassment or the fact that I look really childish when I'm mad, he laughed even harder at me.

"Stop it!" I yelled. "Its not funny!"

The other people in the hall were all chuckling and giggling as they walked by. And the guy's friends were also laughing their heads off.

I glared once more at him and his friends before I ran off to my next class.

Those guys were class A students. I could tell by the emblem on their collars. Which I learned yesterday are the best of the best. I'm class C. But one day I'm going to be class A. All I have to do is wait for the exams.

That is when they evaluate your placement. Whether you get into class G or class A. The test comes every few months. It goes from A to G and there are myths that there is also a class X and S but no one knows for sure. They are supposed criminals and crazies in those classes.

My next class ends and I stand up from my seat and head out before everybody else does.

I stick my head out into the hall and take a quick look around. I don't want to run into anybody that's going to laugh at me again. How embarrassing.

I look both ways and then step out into the hall. I sigh.

"Hi..." A voice said.

It startled me and made me jump. The voice chuckles behind me at my reaction. I turn slowly to face the man who embarrassed me in front of many people.

"I just wanted to apologize to you about how I reacted to you running into the wall. It was wrong of me. I shouldn't of made fun of you. But it was funny." He laughed.

I just stood there hugging my books and glaring. He was staring.

"Apology accepted." I stated then turned around and walked quickly to the training grounds. Almost running and tripping over myself.

"Cornelia! Over here!" Yelled Phoenix as he waved me over.

He stood with our group that was all crowded around something.

I ran up to them and pushed my way through so I could see what was happening. A fight was going down between a class A and a class B. The class B student not even laying one punch on the other guy. It was sadly pathetic.

I vouldnt just let this happen to the poor kid though. I had to do something.

"Hey! Stop it!" I push people out of my way and stand in the middle of the crowd. "HEY!" I yell again but louder.

The guy stopped punching the guy on the ground and they both looked my direction.

"Guys, you should stop before you get in trouble!" I say.

The class A kid stands up and walks toward me with a scowl.

"Who do you think you are!?" He yelled in my face.

Everybody was silent.

I am not ok with this, He was WAY to close to me. Personal bubble, man! Personal bubble!

I balled my fist and threw a punch at him hitting him in the face and knocking him out cold. I turn to the other guy and scowl.

"Why were you fighting?" I ask.

He looked frightened.

"He made fun of us B class." He spat angrily.

I sighed, rolled my eyes.


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