-Chapter Seven- A little accident

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I place a pan onto the stove top and turn on the burner as I listen to music. I dance to the fridge music blaring, and grab out all the ingredients I need to make dinner as I hear someone knock at the door. I sigh, a little annoyed someone is interrupting my little dance party I had going all by myself.

"I'm coming!" I yell as I walk over to the door, my bare feet slapping against the cold concrete floor.

I unlock the many locks on the door and open it to find a very tall and muscular man standing outside my door. He looked very familiar but I could not place where I've seen him or how I know him.

"Hi, how can I help you?" I asked my brows furrowed in confusion as I tried to put the pieces together of who he might be.

He didnt say anything, he scanned me over and stared at me with a bit of shock and amusement.

I was again puzzled, but then I looked down and realized I was basically naked in front of this man. All I had on was a bra and panties.

I slammed the door as fast as I could in panic, my face red with embarrassment. I grabbed a hoody that was laying on the couch and quickly slipped it on before I opened the door again.

"I'm terribly sorry. That was...inappropriate." I said trying to cover my face with my sleeve as it was still red with embarrassment.

He had a small smirk he was trying to hide on his lips which only made me more embarrassed.

"Its no problem at all, just wasnt expecting it, that's all." He said with a sultry voice.

It didnt sound familiar. But his face....he looked familiar to me.

"So...what can I do for you?" I ask again.

"Well, I live across from you actually and noticed that you were a new tenant and thought I'd say Hi, as your neighbor." He said with a stoic expression.

Then it hit me, where I recognized him from.

"Ah!" I exclaimed pointing at him with my sleeve.

"Your friend came by looking for you!" I said excited that I figured out the mystery.

He looked puzzled for a moment so I took the opportunity to explain to him the events of two nights ago.

"A police officer came by and showed me your picture, asking if you've been home lately. Said you often leave out of the blue and dont say anything, so he got kinda worried I guess."

He had a blank expression.

"Yeah, blonde guy right. Peter, he's a friend." He confirmed.

I nodded. So the police guys name is Peter.

"My name is Jellal by the way." He held out his hand for me to shake.

I grabbed his hand to shake.

"Cornelia, but everyone calls me Nell." I said with a smile.

He looked at me with a look I could not quite put my finger on. Confusion perhaps? Curiosity? I'm not sure. It was really hard to read.

"I also came over to invite you to a get together with everyone on the floor. We do one every month to get to know eachother and just hangout. The guy in 125 hosts it most of the time. But it's in 122 this time around so if you wanna stop by, we got free food." He said almost annoyed he had to be the one to come and invite me.

"Like right now?" I ask.

"Yup." He relies.

There was a moment of silence between us as I thought it over. It wouldn't hurt to get to know my neighbors since I've been here for almost a month already and have no clue who lives here.

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