-Chapter Ten- I Can't Keep Secrets Very Well

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I smirked at the voices suggestions.

The man stuck his cigarette into his mouth and smirked. And I spoke up.

"Get lost Man. These guys ain't messing around." I pushed through the group and stood next to Lock. The man looked at me and his eyes widened.

"Aha! Your a Nihil aren't you? One of those rare breeds!" He said pointing his sword in my direction. He looked unfazed but surprised to actually see a rare species in the wild.

"What is it to you? Get lost already." I snapped.

The man swung his sword onto his shoulder letting it rest there.

"My nephew met a Nihil recently and he said that she was way more beautiful than even the Angels and it looks to me he was definitely right." The man spewed.

"Look man, leave or I'll snap your head off." I growled. The rest of the group all looked over at me in surprise.

I glared the man down and I heard Phoenix call someone on his cell phone. We all stood there for a very long silent moment until two figures slowly made their way down the street. I kept my gaze on the man until a large furry Helios sprinted towards me and began to lick my hands. I looked down to see a happy Helios.

"Nell! All of you stand down." Killigan commanded. Lock and the rest began to relax and step back from the man as I stood there and kept staring him down. Killigan came over to me and smacked me across the head.

"Ow!" I whined at him as I held my head. "What was that for?!" I scolded.

"I told you to stand down." He informed. I glared at him and slowly turned to walk back to the rest of the group. Killigan began to speak to the stranger.

"Jack, it's been awhile. Asking people to do your job for you again?" He asked the stranger with a sigh.

The man laughed.

"Killigan it's been a while. How long? Three years?" He said as if he was reminiscing of an old friend.

Killigan glared at him.

"Jack, go back to where you can from I don't want to see you in my city. If I do see you again I'll kill you." He warned.

He looked like he wasn't kidding too. I was surprised at uncle Roth and his ruthlessness. It was very rare I saw him like that. He normally is very stern but he was very visibly murderous. And I could see the rest of the group was also aware of his hostility. I can remember once in my childhood that uncle Roth was hostile and that was towards only one person. He well deserved it too. I only wished he killed him then.

I shook my head to rid the memories that began to surface again.

"Alright Roth. I bet Dante would love to know that I saw you here. In fact he'd be thrilled." The man smirked knowing he hit a soft spot.

My eyes widened in fear of the name I heard. My eyes began to fill with tears and my throat became dry and my palms sweaty. My heart was beginning to race and I could tell the rest of the group was confused at the comment and crypticness between the two. It became hard for me to breath and I began to hyperventilate. I was shaking in pure fear at this point.

Please, I'm so scared! My thoughts screamed. No! Don't say that monsters name!!

Everyone turned to look at me with confused stares.

The voice, aka Void. It liked to call itself. Began to speak.

VOID: Ah yes! I remember this guy. Dante...You really didn't like him did you? I thought he was an interesting character. Hahaha!

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