-Chapter Six- What Is Going On?

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Somebody's POV

"This strange girl ran into a wall and it was really funny." I laughed as I told some of my classmates.

I think back to the moment she ran into the wall. She looked back before she ran into it. Im curious what was she looking at.

I went to apologize to her and she was so cold to me. I followed her after that to the training grounds where one of my classmates, Dominic, picked a fight with a B student. She went up to them and punched Dominic out cold.

What class is she? Not A. I would know. I know everybody in A class.

She looked at the other guy with her mysterious gold eyes.

"Why were you fighting?" She asked him concerned.

He looked as if he was scared of her, and angry at Dominic at the same time.

"He made fun of us B class!" The kid yelled.

The girl just rolled her eyes and walked away.

She's an interesting one. Possibly a good candidate.


"Hey Kai! I know who she is! The girl that knocked Dom out cold!" Yelled my best friend Mateo.

"She's new. Got here a few weeks ago. Top of her class in everything. Her name is Cornelia Locke. She knows General Roth personally. And the new teacher, that's her brother." Mateo said excitedly.

I nod my head.


He smiles real big at me.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh, nothing. Just that your really interested in this girl." He teased.

"Yeah, I am. She could be useful to us in the future." I say.


Unknown POV

"Have you finished?" I ask.

The Elemental stood before me kneeling and explaining what went down at the explosion site.

"There was a girl there. She is good. Really powerful too." He stated.

A girl, huh?

"Ethan, tell me what did she look like?" I asked.

He began to explain.

"She had white hair and gold eyes. She looked about seventeen or sixteen. She's a solider in training." Ethan informed.

I believe this is her, if the writings are true.

We will meet soon.


Roman's POV

I was about to walk into the class room but stopped and listened to the conversation between two of the students.

"...The new teacher, that's her brother."

By that phrase I knew who they were talking about. My little sister. It had to be, who else?

"Ok." Another voice says.

"What?" The same voice asked.

"Oh, nothing. Just that your really interested in this girl." The guy said teasingly.

"Yeah, I am. She could be useful to us in the future."

What is this kid thinking? I know for sure this kid is trouble. Useful how? What's he planning?

I can't stop asking myself questions. It's making me mad.

I take a breath and calm myself down before I walk into the classroom with a smile.

"Hello class. I'm substituting for Mr. Jaylen today since he's sick." I say with a smile.

I look at the kid that was talking about my sister. He smirked at me. I glared.


After class.

I look at my sister on the training ground through a window in the hallway as I was passing by.

She was fighting with two swords against three other people.

I smirked. She could easily take them without those swords.

I take a sip of my coffee.

I smile at the thought of my kid sister and I when we were younger.


"Brother! Look what I got?" Cornelia said cheerfully as she dragged a big dead bear across the forest floor to her brother.

"Wow! Look at that big catch." Her brother said.

He was sixteen.

"What are you going to do with it?" He asked.

She looked at the ground for a moment before answering.

"I give it to you." She said.

"Thanks Nell."


She was a cute kid. She also has some attitude problems but who doesnt. I love my little sister and would do anything to protect her and help her grow as a person.

I will protect her, specifically from that monster of a king.

If people knew of her abilities, she would never be safe. And now that Jellal Zephyr of the titans, king of Agrath knows of her abilities, she is not safe.

Titans are the strongest beings as far as we know. The only ones who stand a chance against them one on one are Angels and Nihils.

No one knows what he looks like, and thank goodness he has never seen what Cornelia looks like. It makes it easier to hide. But, we also dont know what he looks like so he could be anywhere and we wouldn't know. We are both at a disadvantage.

She is not a weapon of destruction, but more of a vital piece to power. She isnt dangerous, but her abilities are something that if people had, they could rule the world.

The thing I fear most is not if, but when she is found, there will be a LOT of chaos. A lot of destruction and a lot of death.

She is unaware of her worth to these people. Which I'm glad she doens't know. I fear she would take matters into her own hands by taking herself out of this world so no one could have her for their selfish gain. Maybe that's selfish of me. I'm not sure.

I am going to protect her and build her a life where she can live like a normal person. That is all I want for her, to be happy and safe. And I know she wants that for me too.

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