13th ship: Sakura x Nozaki

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Anime, TV show or game?: Anime, Gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun

Just who are they?:

Sakura and Nozaki are from the anime gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun which is about a girl (Sakura) who has a crush on a boy (Nozaki) and when she finally builds up the courage to confess on the first episode he thinks that she means that she loves his work as he is a manga artist and so she ends up becoming friends with him and she meets his wacky friends and they get up to all sorts and of course her crush remains and whether she tells him again or not will just remain a secret because I shall not say a thing cause spoilers.

A little bit about them:
Chiyo Sakura:

Sakura is a very friendly girl and very small but she is precious and I love her and she is an amazing artist but she is very shy sometimes and although she is surprised by Nozaki's ideas she usually goes along with them unless it's something she most definitely doesn't want to do.

Umetarou Nozaki:

Nozaki is a pretty oblivious guy when it comes to love but the irony in that is that everybody loves his mangas which are all romance and people even say he captures a womans heart but strangely enough he doesn't notice that Sakure absolutely adores him. He's usually a pretty serious faced guy but he is the main reason for pretty much all of the crazy things they do.

Why I ship them:

I ship them because 1 it's obivously the main ship so of course I do but at times I ship them with other characters but also because height difference ships are my weakness (almost as good as Lev and Yaku XD) but also because I love Sakura so much that I pretty much treat her as my child XD and I want her to be happy so I'm here like "Nozaki just love my daughter for gods sake!" I'm crazy I know.

What do I ship?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora