This is so wrong

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Brian P.O.V

As im pulling off Jamie's shorts she stops me and says "you  can't" I look at her in confusion and say " why not"."What if Sal fi-" she stopped talking as I was stroking her through her panties and bit her lip trying to hold in a moan "Let it out" I whisper in her ear, she refuses to give in so I slip her panties to the side and start fingering her and she finally lets out a little moan. I continued this for a couple of seconds and I knew she was about to reach her climax so I pulled my fingers out "what the hell Q" she said angrily, I smiled and said "I think that's enough for one night" she sighed and said " Your such a damn tease " I shrugged and said " I guess.

Sal's P.O.V

I haven't left my house all day, because I'm thinking of a way to show Jamie that I can treat her better so I call Joe and ask him what a woman would like to do on a night out. He said "Sometimes they like to come over but the majority of the time they want to go out for a fancy diner" "ok I can pull that off, thanks man" I say. Tomorrow I'll just leave her note officially asking her out to dinner, I call the restaurant and reserved a private table for us on the balcony then I scheduled a appointment at the barbershop so I can look my best. I've  never done anything like this for a girl before because I usually sleep around, hey don't judge but I really hope I can pull this off I need her to regain trust in me and I also want her to be a part of my life. I sit down, pull out my phone and scroll down my news feed on Facebook and see that Q put up
A status saying "BEST HANDJOB EVER!" I wonder who gave him a  hand job. Lucky guy. I want to start over but I wish Jamie was here to fulfill my sexual needs

I Think im in love with My Boss (A Sal Vulcano Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now