Chapter 9: More Lessons

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Myra had prepared breakfast when Mella walked back into the kitchen. They ate in silence, and when they were done, Myra finally spoke up.

"Today's going to be really simple, Mella. I don't want you passing out again. I'm just going to teach you protective fire magic and teach you how to protect yourself. I'll probably throw in some history about Rhydona, too."

So I'm stuck here because of that…eh, that's okay. I still get to learn new stuff. But history? Ugh. Maybe a memory will come up about it and we can skip that part.

Myra stood up and Mella followed suit. They walked back through the house and downstairs into a studio like Rei's. The candles were already lit around the room. There was a shelf full of glittering weapons, and training staffs leaning in a pile in the corner.

"Right, let's get started." Myra said. She conjured a fireball into her hand.

"Obviously, this is a fireball. The way it is right now, it will hurt someone if I threw it. But," and with this she put out the fire, "if you’re thinking of healing someone, the magic changes. It's like your heart knows what you want to do, and the magic acts." Myra conjured a new fireball. This one was different. The fire had turned green and it sparkled like a diamond.

"See? You try it now."

Mella tried. A fireball like Myra's appeared on her palm, except hers had turned pink. Mella was about to ask why when she got a sudden headache, sending pain, and images through her mind. A new memory? So this is how it works then…I wish I could live without the side effects…

As soon as it had appeared, the pain was gone. Mella was still standing in front of Myra, but their fireballs had gone out.

"Are you all right, Mella?" Myra asked.

"Yeah. I remember this now. The headache stuff is memories. It's how I remember…I think." It made sense in her head, so Mella was going to go with it.

"Good. That means we can move on to something else."

"Wait, Myra? Why was my fire a different color? And what did you mean about a history lesson?"

"Oh, those…well, your magic color is affected by your aura. Everyone's aura is different. I'm going to assume yours is pink, so some of your magic spells will look pink. Auras might change, because they display who you are as a person. I don't really remember what pink is, but mine is mint green. Green usually means you would rather heal than hurt, and you look to others with kindness and an offer for help whenever needed.

"As for a history lesson…I meant things you need to know about the people here. It isn't really a lesson." Myra thought for a minute. "Since we're on the subject, might as well tell you what you need to know."

Myra sat down on a cushion and motioned for Mella to do the same. Not wanting a repeat of yesterday, Mella sat down carefully to avoid any possible dust clouds.

"Pretty much, what you need to know about Rhydona is about the royal family. Queen Ursula has the blood right to the throne-King Stephen came from some country called Merca, very far from here-and she's a powerful earth elemental. Stephen, on the other hand, is something of an oddity. There's some weird magic in Merca, and it gave him the powers over fire and water."

"He must get sick a lot." Mella said. Then she fell silent. How did I know that? What memory did that come from? She had no clue how she knew this, she just knew that when fire and water mixed, disaster usually followed.

"Now that you mention it, he is ill a lot, but when he's not ill, he's very dangerous.

"His twin children aren't much better. Apparently, the magic from Merca is passed down to the next generation, so they have to ability to control multiple elements as well."

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