Chapter 34: Moving On

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The spell may have finally been lifted of its own accord, but Mella was still not okay. No one could comfort her over the loss of Myra, not even Rei. She didn’t cry, like she had with the revelations of Roxas’s truth. Mella was just numb. Hollow. Unbelieving.

Every chance she could, Mella bundled up and went to the space above the cave. She didn’t have any headaches, but it was better than having to deal with Roxas and Rei’s constant barrage of sympathetic looks and “Are you alright?” She didn’t want their sympathy, or their concern. She wanted to be left alone.

Eventually though, she had to go back and face the music. Roxas and Rei healed her injuries, but they couldn’t heal the hole in her heart. That pain was worse than anything Rin had inflicted upon her.

“Child, how much longer will you mourn? Have you forgotten what I told you over the course of four days?” Tara’s voice echoed condescendingly in her mind. Mella was once again staring blankly out across the plain.

“Lady Tara, I’m sorry, but I can’t deal with voices in my head. Can you come out, please?”

There were no flashes of light or anything the sort that signaled the spirit’s arrival. She just appeared. Tara glowed and her wings vanished. Her eyes faded to a startling green and stayed that way. Tara could have been a normal person for all anyone could tell.

“Mella, you’re running out of time.”

“Running out of time for what? Why is there so much urgency?”

“You must really hate hearing this, but I can’t tell you. Although, I think Roxas could, maybe. I’m not sure if he knows or not.”

Tara sat down next to her and stared out across the plain.

“It’s pretty up here, isn’t it?”

Mella nodded. “While I was here the first time, I always came up here to clear my head. It’s not really working now, though.”

"Maybe it's because your head is already clear. Someone your age shouldn't have to deal with all the stress you have. The king and queen should have known better than to tamper with this kind of magic." Tara stood up, and started glowing again. Her wings reappeared. "Things may get better if you could let go. The past can't be changed, Mella, so leave it be."

"That's not particularly helpful, Tara." Mella muttered grumpily, before realizing the spirit had gone.

"You already have the help I can give you, child. You must move on." Tara's voice echoed once more in her head before it too, vanished, leaving Mella sitting staring out at the snow dusted scenery.

♥      ♥      ♥      ♥      ♥      ♥

"Are you going to come back in soon, Mella?" Snow and dirt crunched behind Mella as Roxas came up into the clearing. The sun had begun to set, staining the snow a sparkling orange.

"Yeah…I need to talk with you, later. I think it's time we got going." Mella stood and walked up to Roxas. He handed her a pair of gloves.

"Why now all of a sudden?" Roxas asked curiously.

"I can travel again, and also something a spirit told me. Which reminds me: is there something you aren't telling me?" Mella stared into Roxas's eyes, silently daring him to lie.

"I don't think so. We should both be on the same page." Roxas shrugged. "Let's go back. Rei made dinner."

They walked back in silence. The few people still outside barely acknowledged the pair walking by. Roxas had to disguise himself if he went outside of Rei's house, otherwise someone would surely recognize him. Everyone was dressed in dark reds and black, for mourning. Mella had followed suit, and Roxas wore black all the time anyways.

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