Chapter 16: Mixed Feelings

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((sorry if this one seems so short, but chapter 15 would have been impossibly long if i hadnt split it. i probably could have found a better spot, but oh well. anyways, i'll shut up now so you can read ~Mexlla))

Mella had barely started down the steps when she heard the door open and shut behind her.

"Hey," said a voice behind her. It was Alex.

"Alex, I don't need help finding my way back to my floor." Mella said, walking down the stairs.

"I know, but why don't you trust us still? I could tell you were still hiding things. Like why won't you open the box in front of us?"

Mella turned to face Alex at the next landing. He was being way too nosy, and she was sick of his attitude about trust. He doesn't know me at all…why does he want to know all of this?

"Maybe I don't want to show you what's in this. And everyone is entitled to their own secrets, which is what I left out. You no doubt have yours, so leave me and mine alone! I don't question everything you do, or ask why you and your sister are in charge of a city when you're barely older than me! I told you guys everything I wanted to tell you, so back off. This is all weird to me, so give me time to get used to it." Mella ranted.

"How much more time do you need? You've been here a week and a half!"

"I was dead to the world for most of it!" Mella shouted angrily.

"Yeah, dreaming of Berna and whatever else!" Alex retorted.

Mella snapped. She punched Alex, who was taken by surprise, and slammed him into the wall. Her hands were surrounded by pink, flickering flames, the box lying forgotten on the floor.

"You listen to me Alex. You heard my story, and it wasn’t a picnic." Mella said softly, pouring her anger into her words. He had no right to assume he knew everything about her life. "Do you think I like the fact that a memory, a few images, is enough to stop me in my tracks? Do you think I ‘dream of Berna and whatever else?' " She said mockingly. "My dreams are nightmares! I hate them! I wish they'd go away, but they don't. I have to see the same horrors over and over. So don't act like you know me the best in the world, because you don't. No one does."

She let go of Alex, who rubbed his face where Mella punched him.

"Good night, Alex."

Mella grabbed Myra's box and ran down the stairs until she found her floor. She flew through the door and locked it. Mella plopped down on the bed.

She had never felt so angry in her life. Well, duh. I have no memory of that. But Alex should know better.

Why did he expect her to spill everything? No sane person would ever say everything. No one needs to know that much.

Her anger eventually fizzled into curiosity. What did Myra leave her? Mella looked at the box, which she had thrown down onto the bed. It didn't seem to have a hinge, or any markings on it at all. She grabbed the box and flipped it over. She was wrong, there was a marking. It was tiny, but it was there. The symbol for fire was etched into the middle of the box. Mella tapped it. The symbol glowed green and pink and the box popped open.

A note floated out. Mella grabbed it and started reading.


If you're reading this, then the worst I feared has happened: Stephen or Ursula found you in Berna. But if you're reading this, it means you escaped and you're safe.

I know you were only in Berna for three months, but you learned everything Rei and I had to teach you about fire, which is no small feat. You don't know how proud we are of you.

I think you've already figured this out, but Rei and I hid important things from you. When you asked about them, we lied. It was for your own good then, but you deserve to know now.

The main thing we hid from you was about your magic. Rei showed you your magic the first day. All five appeared, but it wasn't because you hadn't specialized. The points only glow if you control those elements. That's how people know which elements to train elementals in. But, you, Mella, you can control them all.

This is why you're in danger, where ever you go in Rhydona. Continue training in the other elements, and go to Ivadona. Lea won't let me tell you more, but you'll be safer there.

What I left in the box is for you, when magic is out of the question. Practice when you have a chance.

The soldiers are getting closer, so I will write just one more thing: be true to yourself and trust others. It may save you in time, the trust you earn and give. The people of Berna, Rei, and I are proof of that.

May the spirits bless you, child.


Mella blinked away tears. This was Myra's last lesson for her. Wish I had seen this before the drama with Alex…Mella put the note from Myra aside and looked inside the box. A sheet of red fabric hid whatever was inside. Mella pulled it aside and gasped.   

Myra had left her a small set of throwing daggers and the elemental daggers, still radiating that strange power from their glass-like blades.

"Practice when you have the chance. Myra…" Mella whispered. Myra had taught her how to use throwing daggers, but she hadn't practiced in over a month and a half. Her training before he left was with long daggers in close combat.

Maybe I'll bug the guys about it tomorrow…Mella though sleepily as she set the box aside and leaned back into her pillows.

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