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Afterword's been one heck of a ride. "Fractured Soul" has definitely grown from a random idea in my spanish class. I have mentioned before I never thought it would be come this big.

Like the epilogue said, this is only book one. You know what that means...there's more books in the works. Like "Shattered Mind." 

"Shattered Mind" is the next story in what is going to be the Elementalist Quartet.  So far (as of this posting of the final part to FS) it's still in early stages. But please go ahead and read it! More adventures await.


There are a lot of people I'd like to thank. I'm going to start with a fellow Wattpad author, @AhsokaStarkillerXD. Thank you for being my original soundboard and reading what had to be the longest Google Plus posts ever.

My friend, who shall remain anonymous, who inspired me to start this in the first place. I don't know if you ever read this, but thank you all the same.

Three more Wattpad authors: @aeade97, @Xaron98 and @Yttrio. Your guys' characters in Koa were amazingly helpful, for me and for Mella :)

Another Wattpad writer: @XxBadWolfxX. Thank you so so much for the cover art, for helping me plot stuff out, and making sure I kept posting chapters so I didn't leave you hanging.

My history teacher, who learned of this idea of 'The 20% Project' from a conference. Without them finding that project, "Fractured Soul could quite possibly still be an ongoing story.

Wattpad, you maintainers of dreaming authors you, thanks for making this site.

And last but certainly not least, all of you that have ever read "Fractured Soul." I know I've said it before and I'll say it again, it means the world to me that you read, vote and comment on this. Thank you thank you thank you.

...That's all I got. If I've forgotten you, please know you still have a spot in my heart. Thanks for bringing Mella to life.


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