Chapter 38: Cursed Trip

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Mella could tell something wasn't right, and she wasn't talking about fleeing from Ryn, or the death of Kai. Wesley's breathing was ragged and his hands clenching the reins were white and shaking.

"Wesley? What's wrong?" Mella twisted around to see his face, which was just as pale as his hands. He just shook his head and made her turn around, not speaking. His hand was freezing cold. Something was definitely wrong.

The miles flew by as the day dragged on. They passed a few small towns, but the prince showed no signs of stopping. He still wouldn't say anything.

He finally spoke up when Mella attempted to dry out her clothes, which were still wet and sticking to her from their dash through the river.

"No magic." he said raspily. Mella turned to look at him, the pale pink flames dancing over hand extinguishing.

"Why not? You need to tell me what's going on."

"Later. We need to find a place to stop for the night." he looked to the left at the setting sun behind the hills.

"We can't just make a cave or something?" Mella asked.

"No! No magic. We can't risk any magic."

Mella kept pressing Wesley for information, but he fell silent again. This was all strange. She had absolutely no idea what was going on, outside of they were on the run to Koa, wherever Koa was. It was like waking up in Berna for the first time all over again. The memories she had weren't helping her understand anything, just like they had been months ago.

The sun vanished, plunging the landscape into cold shadow. The lights of a large town grew brighter as they got closer and closer. When they reached the edge of the houses, Wesley reined Dawn in.

"We can't ride Dawn into town. She'll be recognized."

"Isn't it a little late to be thinking about recognition? We tore through at least four other towns on the way here." Wesley shot her a look and Mella shrugged. "What? Tell me I'm wrong."

"If we ride into town here, we'll definitely be recognized and then we'd have to keep moving. You really want to keep going tonight?" Mella shook her head. "Didn't think so."

Mella slid off the horse and grabbed half the bags. Wesley followed suit, stumbling slightly. He didn't look any better. If anything, he looked worse. Arguing probably hadn't helped.

"Wesley you need to tell me what's going on right now. I can't do anything to even try to help if you won't tell me what's happening."

"Just...stop asking right now. I'll explain once we're inside somewhere."

They walked through the town quietly, most people hidden inside, away from the cold. Voices bubbled and spilled out of a brightly lit building. Wesley pulled the hood of his cloak up over his head. Mella realized only then that the enchantment had worn off.

People didn't even give them a second look when they walked inside. It was crowded, smelly and loud. Wesley shouldered a path through the masses inside the apparent inn. Mella followed behind him as closely as she could. There was a lot of low conversation between Wesley and a man who could only be the innkeeper. Mella looked around warily as they talked. Any second they could be recognized, and then their grand idea of leaving the country would be gone.

Someone tapped her shoulder, making Mella jump.

"It's just me." Wesley whispered. "Come on. We'll be leaving early tomorrow." Mella nodded and followed Wesley through the throng of people, back towards the stairs. He stumbled at the foot of the stairs, but managed to catch himself. They managed to reach their room before Wesley decided to start explaining. He dropped his bags and collapsed onto the bed, almost as white as the sheets.

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