Chapter 13: Truth and Lies

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When Mella woke up, only Kev was left in the room, still dead to the world. Wow, Alex wasn't kidding, he's still sleeping!

Mella sat up and turned to the window. With more light in the room, she realized the window was actually a wall separating the room from a balcony. Wow… Mella swung her legs out of bed, noticing her feet were wrapped in a thin layer of bandages, and grabbed a blanket to go outside.  She found the door and went outside, leaning back against the glass, looking out across a spectacular view.

What was hidden at night was revealed in the early morning. The balcony looked out over a huge lake. The river trailed out of it and away towards the trees. Was that where I was the other night? Mella was happy just staring out across the lake, towards the mountains in the background.

Faintly, through the glass, Mella heard the door open.

"Oi, Kev, wake up!" Alex shouted.

The door to the balcony opened, and Mella looked up to see a girl, barely older than her in a pale blue dress walk outside. Her hair was dark brown and hid her face from view. Alex and a barely awake Kev followed her.

"Morning, princess." Kev said, yawning.

Mella's eyes narrowed. She didn't like that nickname.

"I'm not a princess, so don't call me one. And who are you?" she asked, pointing at the brown-haired girl.

The girl turned to the two guys, Kev rubbing his head. Apparently Alex had just smacked him.

"You didn't tell her who I was, Alex? How rude."

"Well, you were mentioned once, but it was late and she was tired, sis. Sorry for not telling her your life story." Alex said sarcastically. Sister? Just who is this?

Alex turned to Mella. "Mella, this is Lady Gwen, leader of Ryn, and my twin sister. Happy?" he shot at Gwen.

A breeze blew her hair out of her face, revealing bright blue eyes.

"Do you really want to go there?"

Gwen and Alex looked like they were about to start a full-blown argument. Kev started talking really fast.

"Hey, so I'm sure all of us are hungry, so I'm gonna go grab food and find some extra clothes for, Mella, right?" Mella nodded. The twins ignored him, still glaring at each other. "Okay, I'll be back." Kev yanked the door open and walked as fast as he could to the other door.

Mella smiled. Smart guy…

"Um…Alex? Gwen? Can you explain what's going on before you tear each other apart?" Mella said, standing up straight. Where was all this smarminess and sarcasm coming from? It was weird, but like the necklace, it felt like a piece of her that had found a place.

I must have been a zombie in Berna. She felt a pang of guilt and regret. Wait, Lea gave me her word to protect them. I should stop worrying. Mella went to touch the necklace, but it was gone. What?! Where did it go?!

"First off, where's my necklace? It was silver, looked like a heart?"

"It's back inside, along with the box you had." Gwen said, breaking eye contact with her brother. "Sorry about that. It's not easy having a twin that always argues with you. I have some important questions for you Mella, once Kev gets back with breakfast in about a minute. Come on."

The twins walked back inside. Mella hesitated. Something felt off about the twins. Alex seemed okay, but Gwen, she wasn't so sure. It was okay with Myra and Rei, I'm sure this will be fine…she assured herself, but Mella felt like she was forgetting something important.

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