Chapter 45: The Palms of Their Hands

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"Are you two sure you're ready to see them? Because they're willing to wait. They were almost expecting you to."

Drake was standing in front of Mella and Wesley, dwarfed by the towering pines of the council's convening area. The three days had passed in the blink of an eye, with more magic and a tense silence between the prince and the fragment of the elementalist.

Mella nodded. "We won't stay if we aren't wanted. We want their approval."

Wesley snorted derisively. She looked at him coolly. "Problem, Highness?"

"Since when have you suddenly decided that there is a 'we?' You haven't talked to me in days."

"Since you're stuck with me and I'm stuck with you, you--"

"Hey guys, you have an audience that doesn't want to hear it, so if you could save it for later that'd be great." Drake ushered them inside to a courtyard full of color.  Enki, Hal Ferrous, and a girl Mella had never seen were waiting.

“Nice to know you’re doing better. Mella, is it?” the girl asked, smiling.

“Yeah…who are you, exactly?” Mella asked. The silver eyed girl, like Hal had been, was a total stranger.

“Maura of Koa. I helped fix the two of you up.” She pushed her blonde hair out of her face. “Did you get the spell I taught you to work, Wes?”

Wes? You’ve been with her?” Mella asked.

The prince ignored her. “Yeah. The others do too. Thanks.” He turned to Hal. “Hey, later could you help me with a few earth spells?”

“Uh, sure.” Mella’s frustration rose. That’s what she had planned for later. With Hal.

“Why are you guys all here anyways?” Mella asked, mainly to change the topic.

“We’re the ones that found you two, and the ones that have been with you most of the time.” Maura replied. “They want our opinions of you and Wesley.”

Drake pulled his head out of a curtain of vines with golden buds slowly blooming on them. “Guys, they’re ready.” He held back the vines as the six of them filed inside.

The room the trees created let in a surprising amount of light, given the trees that made it up were so close together. Five chairs stood before them, buds tightly shut on the vines that wound around the arms and backs of the chairs. Five people were sitting, watching, their faces thrown in shadow. They were in the only spot that didn’t touch the light. Benches lined the walls closest to them. They took their seats and waited.

Slowly, the buds on the chairs unfurled, silvery flowers shedding light on five faces. Two were men, two were women, and the last was Gareth. Gareth’s on the council? Why didn’t he tell me?

“Introductions first then, I suppose. I’m Lord Gareth.” He stated.

“Lady Rose.” A woman with pink hair added.

“Lord Sage.” The oldest of the men with white hair and pale blue eyes said next.

"Lady Heather." The other woman continued. She looked similar to Gareth, with brown hair and eyes slightly darker than his.

"And I am Lord Gem." The final council member with eyes the color and brilliance of emeralds finished. "Name yourselves, please."

"Halvarof of Viridian." Mella hadn't known Hal's full name. She just thought it was 'Hal.'

"Tara-Enki of Koa." Mella hadn't known Enki's full name either, or that she was named for a spirit.

"Eron Ferrous of Terana."

Fractured SoulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora