Chapter 28: A Question of Freedom

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Changing into training clothes took less than a minute, seeing as it was just Mella's clothes from Berna that she had finally gotten back. It was still too long for Rin, who made the scar start to burn and prickle.

Mella hurried downstairs, where Rin was waiting.               

"You took your time, fragment. Let's go, they're waiting." Rin threw her a muffin and started walking towards the doors.

"Who's waiting?" Mella asked, trying in vain to flatten out her hair and hurrying after Rin.

"All the people that Mother and Father asked to be here. This is going to be different than what we've been doing. No magic, in any shape or form."

"Which means both of you need to give me your necklaces." Roxas had walked around the corner, holding a small stack of books. Mella's eyes widened. "Relax, fragment. You'll get it back right after you’re done. It's just so you aren't using them to cast magic."

Rin unclasped her necklace and handed it to Roxas. The maroon pendant was shaped like a spider, making Mella shudder. Spiders are creepy…Mella took off her necklace and dropped it in Roxas's palm.

"Roxas, what's with the books?" Rin asked as the three of them walked into the hallway. Mella walked behind them, munching on her breakfast.

"Does it look like I want to watch you two beat each other up?" Roxas shot back. The twins started arguing, but Mella ignored them. What 'chance' does Roxas mean? Will I be able to get out of here?

They walked through the castle, past the dining hall, past the room where she fought against Rin. Where are they taking me?

Rin threw the door open, and they stepped out into the crowded courtyard. Nobles all dressed in gaudy colors were walking around in pairs, talking. People from the city were there too: small grey figures hiding along the edges of the crowds. They all fell silent as the twins and Mella were noticed.

The crowds parted to make a path for the trio as they strode past. The people lowered their heads in respect for the twins, but they barely noticed. Soon, the huge oak doors Mella had seen loomed over her.

“You enter first, then us, then everyone else." Rin said. Mella nodded nervously and walked towards the doors. They swung in silently, and her footsteps echoed as she stepped inside the hall.

It was dark inside, but windows high up shed a small amount of light on four faintly glittering thrones. The two largest were occupied.

"Stop there, Mella." Stephen's voice echoed. Mella stopped, and she heard the rustling of people walking inside. Someone walked past her and took a seat in one of the thrones. Probably Roxas…

The doors finally shut with a resounding boom. Candelabras flickered to life, illuminating an enormous hall. Dozens upon dozens of people were looking down on her from the balconies above, with even more lining most of the walls. Ursula and Stephen were sitting in their thrones, grand ordeals made of a dark, glittering rock. Roxas was sitting to the left of his father in a pale gold throne, reading a book.

Rin was nowhere to be seen, which put Mella more on edge than being seen by all these people.

"Mella of Ivadona, you are here being charged with being in Rhydona,  practicing magic, and fleeing from soldiers, all of which are illegal.” Ursula stated, her words echoing to the corners of the room. "However, no one has come forth with evidence to back some of these claims. Because of this, you may be freed, under one condition."

"Name it, Highness." Mella said. There was a ripple of whispers through the crowd. The queen looked slightly angered. No one had expected her to say anything, or be so rude.

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