Chapter 39: Someone Old, Someone New

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"He's who?"

The fire elemental standing before him took a small step back. He hadn't meant to yell. Waking up to news like that was a shock. He took a deep breath before asking more calmly. "Sorry. Who are the two people you found?"

"Prince Roxas of Rhydona, sir. And a girl. We didn't get her name. They're both in pretty bad shape. We need your help, Lord Gareth."

Gareth rolled his eyes. "I really hate that title. It makes me sound old. Like I've said before, it's just Gareth. Are they in the infirmary?"

The girl nodded. "Drake and a couple of the others were still in there, keeping watch." She held the door open and waited for Gareth to walk through before following.

"Why are they doing that? They can't go anywhere."

"Fear, sir. They're afraid he'll wake up and summon the soldiers here."

"You don't have to add the 'sir' either. Seriously, I'm barely older than most of you." Gareth understood the fact that he needed to learn his duties as the next leader of Koa, but he just didn't do titles. "Also, Roxas wouldn't try it. He's outnumbered here, not to mention the price the king and queen put on his head."

"Yeah, well, Hal was going stir crazy otherwise. Plus he isn't too fond of me. Not to mention the snake..." The girl shrugged. Gareth had a good guess as to who else was with the prince now.

"It's alright, ah...what's your name?" Gareth was embarrassed to ask, but he was introduced to so many people that others slipped his mind.

"Maura, sir-I mean..." Maura lapsed into red-faced silence.

"Maura. Okay, well, it's late. You should get back to your place."

Maura nodded and vanished into the night. Gareth sighed. What would the prince be doing here, in Koa?

The leaf-strewn path was quiet, softly lit by a variety of lamps. Some were flickering flames, others of ice, and even others still were night lilies, glowing a pale purplish-white. Not many people were out after nightfall in Koa, which was a shame. It was beautiful.

Gareth walked quickly through the sleeping city towards the infirmary. It looked like an enormous tree, because that's what it was. Guided by magic, the tree had grown, creating rooms and hollowed spaces.

Hushed voices echoed down to the ground floor where he was standing. Gareth followed them upstairs to see a trio of people huddled near two beds.

"What are you three doing?" he asked quietly. The group jumped, and turned to face him.

"Lord Gareth," one started. Gareth raised an eyebrow. "Sorry, Gareth, I was trying to convince these two to leave them alone."

"Well, maybe you think so, Drake, but then again, you must be blind to not see that he's the prince the army's been looking for." The boy with the brown, almost blonde hair shot back.

"You almost ended up a part of that 'army,' Hal. If it wasn't for me, you'd be one of them." Drake countered.

"Guys--" Gareth started, but they didn't hear him.

"If it wasn't for you, Drake, we wouldn't have this issue of Roxas bringing said army here." The girl hissed, literally. A small, bright red snake wove its way lazily through her midnight black hair.

The argument escalated, the three getting louder and louder. Gareth was getting tired of it. It was late, and if he had to be called out of bed, it had to be an emergency.

"Enough!" he shouted over the three of them. The girl that arrived with Roxas stirred. Everyone fell silent, waiting to see if she'd wake. When it was obvious she wouldn't, Gareth started talking in a whisper.

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