chaptah faw

642 68 36

ashtun and lucia had decided that they needed to come up with a very evil plan to destroy column and michelle. lucia suggested that they set their dicks on fire, but michelle didn't have a dick, so it wouldn't work. ashtun told lucia that he was going to go and come up with a very evil plan to kill them with. so he went away and started to write down his plan. while he was away, lucia decided to find something to do. so lucia headed outside to see if he could find any cows. lucia loved cows so much. lucia found a cow that was shaped like a cat. lucia stroked the cow because he thought it was a cat, but it turned out to be a piranha out of water. it tried to eat lucia, and he tried to run away, but it was too late. lucia was gone. he had been eaten.

a few hours later ashtun came back from planning their attack. he found that lucia had disappeared, and went looking for him, but he couldn't find him. 'column and michelle must have kidnapped lucia.' he told himself. so he headed back to the house to get his evil plan ready. he was going to kill them


oh nu wat wil ashtun du 2 column an michelle ????? is lucia stil alive ???? 12 votes 4 nex chaptah u bettr vot

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