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"You're kidding," I breathe. Who would be so rash and dumb as to jump into the Black Hole?

The Black Hole was dangerous. We've been warned since young countless times to not go near the Black Hole. Even if you were just standing a centimetre away, the Black Hole would suck you in. And you'll have no time to say "Bye world" you'll just be nonexistence once you're in it, because you'll be stuck inside and there's no food, oxygen and water. That would be a painful death.

The best-case scenario was that the force would rip your body apart and you'll be gone in a second. I'm not trying to be cruel, but if you were ripped apart, at least the pain is gone just as it came. It wouldn't as long as the slow death without oxygen, food and water.

That's why everyone was afraid of the Black Hole. No individual would stand to stay near it, let alone jump into it.

"I'm not, Corrine." He sighs. "So please don't end up like her. You're beautiful, just the way you are."

I think I'm blushing right now. All I know is that I'm super embarrassed and awkward.

"Anyway, I want to find her," Dustin says nonchalantly, like diving into the suicide pit is taking a stroll in the park.

My head snaps up. "What? No!"

Dustin grabs my hand, and says," Please, Corinne. I tried it before, but before I could get close enough this sensor stopped me. I don't have a valid reason. I have the things to prevent us from getting sucked in and killed, Corinne. We could do it. I have a police uniform. We could pretend, that I'm trying to punish you, by bringing you-"

"No, Dustin. No." I turn to leave the pod, sighing at the eventful night, but Dustin grabs my arm and tugs me back, his eyes alight with excitement.

"We could save her, Corinne," he pleads.

I shake my head. "Don't be rash, Dustin," I say as I walk towards the pod exit.

It zips shut, and I whirl around. "Open the door, Dustin!"

"Corinne, I really really really like you sometimes, but at times you can be the most frustrating person ever. I said, we're going to rescue my sister." Dustin says, like I'm a naughty child.

"You're crazy," I shake my head, tears blurring my vision, my heart pounding against my rib cage. I need Chance right now.

Please appear, I think.

It doesn't happen, and Dustin grabs my arm. "Let's go now."

"No!" I struggle against his grasp, but Dustin doesn't let go. He spins me around, and then presses his lips to mine.

I can't feel anything, unlike when I kissed Chance. Even though, I stomp on Dustin's toes, before kicking him in the shin. He yells in pain, cursing.

"Did you really have to do that?" He asks as I scavenge the pod for something to fend him off.

"Let me off this pod," I say, struggling to keep my voice level.

"No." Dustin presses some buttons on the control pad of the ship, and then we start moving.

"Let me out!" I scream hysterically, pounding non-stop on the pod exit.

Dustin disappears into a corner of the pod, and I suddenly wished that I had a phone with Chance's number in it.

Where is he now? I sink to the floor, cradling my head in my hands. I picture his crooked smile, blue eyes and dark messy hair. My hair gradually begins to slow down, and my body relaxes, although tears spill over my lashes and down my cheeks.

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