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When I awaken from the short nap I had, I look over and see Chance, still asleep soundly.

Careful not to awake him, I get out of bed, and walk out the door, about to find Carmen to discuss our strategy. Instead, I bump into Dustin.

"Hi," he says, giving me a tight-lipped smile. His hands are buried in the pockets of his jeans and he slowly meets my eyes. "Look, Amber-Corinne, whatever-I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I was a terrible person and that I never treated you the way I should and that I kidnapped you down here. But, you have a great potential, one bigger than you think. You can stop this. I know you can."

"And I will," I say, nodding.

Dustin returns the nod and is about to walk down the hallway when I stop him. "Hey, Dustin? By the way, I forgive you." I give him a genuine smile. I know he has always meant well, even when he brought me down to the Black Hole. He's always the same Dustin I know, the boy with the good looks and a good heart.

Dustin's lips stretch into a wide grin, and he spreads his arms. Without further hesitation I walk into his arms and his embrace engulfs me.

"Corinne, until the day you officially become Adams', don't you dare think that I'm going to give up on chasing you." He smiles, and an uneasy feeling rises in my stomach.

And then he presses his lips to mine.

Dustin's kiss is different from Chance's-Chance is sweet and soft and just a little too overprotective, but Dustin's is wild and fast and makes my head whirl. The exact reason why I can't pull away, not now.

"What the heck are you doing?" Someone shouts from down the hall, and I freeze. Dustin pulls away, and I turn to see Chance. His face mirrors his expression-he's absolutely livid, fuming, raging.

"Chance. Chance, wait." I run towards him, but Chance just shakes his head. Hopelessness sinks into my heart. I've messed up, big time.

"I can't believe this, Amber. I can't believe after so much, you're going to forget about us and leave me for him. Have you ever even loved me?" Chance says, running his hands through his hair.

"Yes, Chance, I have," I say, grabbing his hand. He shakes my hand off.

"Hey, wait. It was me. I initiated the kiss," Dustin walks towards both of us, attempting to clear up the mess, but Chance just barks out a bitter laugh, and smashes his fist into Dustin's face.

Horrified, I grab Dustin's arm and asks if he's okay. After he nods a few times and reassures me that he's okay, I turn on Chance.

"What'd you do that for?" I draw my eyebrows together.

Chance looks away, his fists clenching and unclenching, his breathing ragged and heavy. I know that I shouldn't anger him any further, so instead I place my hand on his face, my thumb stroking his skin, and turn his head to look at me.

"Hey," I say softly when his gaze meets mine. His eyes are cold and hard. I guess that's what happens when you've been down here in the Black Hole-it's like Edit, it twists and turns you. That's why Chance is always so angry nowadays. He's never told me what really happened when he was down here.

"I'm sorry," I continue, and his eyes soften for a while. I continue to stroke his cheek, and never break eye contact with him.

"I know you're worried about losing me, Chance, and I know that it was wrong of me to kiss Dustin. I'm not going to pass the buck. I didn't pull away, and that was my fault. I'm really sorry, Chance, and I don't want this to affect us. I'm sorry. I-"

I'm silenced when Chance buries his head in my hair, his nose against my neck. "This doesn't mean I completely forgive you," he murmurs, and I smile into his hair, wrapping my arms around him.

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