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"So I've got a plan, but there's a risk of failure," I say, having drafted out my initial method to take Edit down. Dakota, Dustin and Xavier have returned to the room, looking pretty worried, but at the sound of my voice they all snap back to reality and began scanning my notes. I look away awkwardly.

"That seems pretty easy, but..." Xavier taps the part of the plan that requires Dustin and Dakota—because they're such amazing persuaders—to go get allies. "I don't like it that I'm not with Dakota."

Dakota blushes. "It's fine, really."

"It's not," Xavier insists, and I can't help but smile over Xavier's protectiveness over his shy, awkward girl.

Dakota rolls her eyes and shoves him lightly, and he catches her hand and doesn't let go. They stare into each other's eyes for a moment too long, before Carmen snaps her fingers in front of their eyes and Dakota slips her hand out of Xavier's.

"You guys have to stop doing that," drawls Carmen, her nose scrunched up, "it's disgusting."

Dustin laughs.

"But Dustin and Dakota are both really good persuaders, and I don't want to risk too many people going in," I say, but Xavier frowns.

"I'm serious, Amber, I'm not going anywhere without Dakota," he says, and I sigh.

"Fine," I roll my eyes, and he finally smiles, his eyes alight with excitement and gratitude. "But if you mess this plan up, there will be consequences."

He nods solemnly, looking over at Dakota.

"We have two days to review this plan. So once we get to the Outer Cities and locate the camp, we'll all have to go in, but I need some people to guard the pod. Carmen and..." I trail off. Should I leave Chance here? If not, then Dustin will have to stay, but he's an important person in the plan.

"Samantha. She's controlling the pod, and I have no idea how to do that." Carmen says, nodding at me.

Samantha's on board? She has a risk of... dying. Why is she willing to sacrifice her life? Carmen said she didn't tell her yet. Does she know what she's getting herself into? My heart panics for the girl.

"I may have not told her, but she found her own way to find out," Carmen says, reading my thoughts.


"Alright. So while they're here, we'll find allies. And that needs Xavier and Dakota to carry out."

"In front of cameras," Dustin says, tilting his head.

"There's no other choice," I say exasperatedly.

"We could go to the control room and shut down the system," he suggests.

"You know how to do that?" Dakota cocks a brow, then blushes when we turn to look at her. "Uh... I didn't mean to sound rude."

Xavier chuckles, and Dustin shakes his head.

"Hopefully Chance knows how to," he says.


"Yeah," I say, my voice barely audible.

"And after that, we'll get to take Edit down... through a fight. But during... um..." I search for a right timing to carry out the plan. Having being ordered to be on bed rest, I've not had the time to research the camp's daily schedule.

"When they bring the new set of drafts away. That's when people are the most scared, and the most angry, too," Xavier says, and Dakota nods along with Dustin.

"Okay. Where's that held?" I ask, hoping he will know, though it's impossible.

"The foyer," Xavier replies, and Dakota draws her brows together. My eyes widen. He knows?

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