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Dear Amber,

If you're reading this, either I'm dead, or in a coma, or receiving treatment for something. It also means you're probably an emotional wreck right now. Amber, I can't promise you you're going to be fine. But I can tell you, wherever I am, whatever I'm doing or going through right now, I'm thinking of you.

Baby girl, firstly, you need to rest. Just close your eyes. I know you may get nightmares, but I know that you're really strong.

Next, eat. Even if you're not feeling well, or you're really angry or scared or worried, eat. You need to live, Amber, your life doesn't stop here. I know you're going to feign an illness or pretend you're not feeling well even though you'll be really hungry. If you don't eat I'm going to be really mad.

Also, you need to open up. I understand that there are some things that you can't really let go of, but Amber, you can't be sticking around with the same people all the time. You deserve to live life to its fullest. You've been hiding, you know. It's not good for your health. (I know I sound like I'm nagging, but it's for your good.)

You're trying to peek now, so all I can write before you see or Carmen ends the meeting is I love you. To the ends of the world. I love you wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, who I'm with.

I love you, Amber, don't forget it, but remember to move on.

With lots and lots and lots of love,

I fold the letter, clutching it to my heart and closing my eyes, a sob escaping my lips.

Carmen holds out the toast, and for a while I hesitate, but then I take it, and take a small nibble.


I'm not allowed to get out of bed, so I spend my time drafting out a plan. Chance is right; I need to continue to fight to take down Edit. I can't stop now. The sensor has been broken, and we're headed towards the Outer Cities. I've heard it's on land, and that's definitely something I'm looking forward to. There's still hope.

Grabbing a piece of paper—and being careful not to tear open my shoulder—I put the pen to the paper, and begin to write. I need to get to the Outer Cities, find myself some allies, and then take down Edit. There's a high risk of failure, however. Who'd want to rebel against Edit, when they could kill them at any moment?

But I have Dakota on my side, and she's the daughter of the person who started it all.

If only I had a recording of the kidnapping, I could reveal Edit's true colours.

But nothing's as simple as that.

Frustrated, I let out a sigh, before placing the pen and paper on the bedside table I retrieved it from.

"Amber!" Someone yells, running into the room. It's Carmen, her dirty blonde had twisted up in a bun.

"Yeah?" I look up, my heart pounding. Carmen offers me a small smile.

"Chance is out." She says, and my heart skips a beat, my breath hitching.

"He's okay?" I whisper.

"He's not very stable...but for now, yes, he's okay." Carmen pulls out a chair and plops into it, massaging her temple. "I'm hoping he doesn't wake up until the doctors have certified that he is a hundred percent fit and well. Or else, there's going to be a lot of trouble."

"Trouble?" I furrow my brows together.

"One, we'll have the Chance-wanting-to-see-Amber problem, two, there's half the world searching for him and once he awakens he's going to try to solve it, and three, there's going to be this emotional reunion with his lovely cousin and her boyfriend. So yeah, there's many problems. Also, we haven't had a plan to take down Edit yet, and no one's in the mood...except you." She nods at the piece of paper on the table, and I blush.

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