Twenty Four

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And then it all begins.

Xavier shoves Dakota away just in time to curl up into a ball, shaking and gritting his teeth. Pain wrecks his body, and I can almost see the invisible fists pummeling him, and underneath that, his demons, his insecurities, and somehow, just watching him can tear my heart apart.

"No," he murmurs, over and over again. "No, no, no, no, no." His hands clamp themselves over his ears and he screams, a bloodcurdling, horrifying scream.

Dakota lets out a whimper, before pressing her hands to her temples, shutting her eyes. She's trying to fight something. I'm almost sure of the torture she's being put through, the mental pain that hits you again and again, slowly breaking down your walls of protection and safety, hitting the most vulnerable parts of you.

She's trying to confront her fears, but it's so hard. I know because of what happened to me, how I never—and still have not—been able to stand up against my greatest fears.

Xavier's father just stands there, as if there's nothing going on, nothing wrong. The only sign of his pleasure is the smirk on his face as he watches the two helpless people writhe and twitch on the ground.

It's so hard to tear my eyes away from them.

I take a deep breath, bracing myself for the worst. And in that split second, I know what I need to do.

Pouncing on Xavier's father, I tackle him to the ground, catching him by surprise. Xavier and Dakota's pain don't seem to stop one bit, their foreheads still creased in concentration, and I almost get up when Xavier's father grabs my ankle and trips me, before pulling a gun out of the air and pointing it straight at me, at the spot between my eyes.

I don't move, my heart beating erratically in my mouth. Is this how it's all going to end?

And then suddenly Xavier's father changes, into my worst nightmare. My father. Then my mother. They're chanting the same thing.

"It's all your fault."

Over and over and over, they don't stop. It's all in my head, I tell myself, he's using Edit to hurt me.

You've been through so much, Amber, are you really going to let them win again?

No. I'm not. I'm going to be strong and fight the worst battles, even if they might tear me apart and crush my bones, I'm going to fight them. And I don't care if I lose them, because I've given my best shot. I will not lose to Edit. Not ever.

And then sharp, blasting pain shoots through my head, and I fall to the ground like a broken rag doll, my knees buckling and hitting the floor with a loud and crisp crack.

My head hits the floor, a sharp burst of pain smashing it, and Xavier's father walks over. I want to struggle, but there's something grabbing at my feet, at my arms, and I am immobilized. Something stabs me, and a hot burning liquid fills my lungs. I am still. My eyes shut close. I am frozen, a girl made of metal and steel. And I am immobilized.

And then my eyes snap open, sharp and awakened. Pictures flash through my mind.

"Avelyn, where are you?"

My chubby legs run down the stairs at the sound of his voice, Xavier right behind me. He's much older than I am, and strong and brave and willing to play with me.

Xavier and I stand at attention, legs slightly apart, eyes straight ahead, hands crossed behind our back. My heart pounds a mile a minute. Master walks towards us, grinning.

"How was your day, Xavier?"

"Fine, Master." Xavier replies, his shoulders broad and his face set into stone. I try to mirror him, because whatever Xavier does is correct. It will be correct, in Master's eyes.

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