Chapter 5

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Lucille P.O.V.

"Awwwww. You changed." Brendon sat on the couch and pouted me. I couldn't help but scoff at how childish he sounded. He had also changed while I was putting Iris to bed. Now covering his body was black sweatpants and a grey tank top. His hair looked sloppy, as if he had kept running his hands through it over and over again.

Now we are sitting in their elegant living room, completed with leather sofas and a gigantic flat screen tv. Seems like anyone's dream to have this place in their home.

"Do you like it here in Florida?" Brendon's voice was light, as if he was afraid to talk to me. I leaned on my side so I could face him more.

Do I like it here? It's blistering hot almost all of the time. I haven't met anyone yet. Mom loves the change, and the house is to die for. Also, if I didn't move here I never would've gotten to meet Iris or Brendon...

"Yeah, I guess I do. Nothing bad has happened to make me not like it." I smiled as I spoke, looking in his eyes. Whenever I talked, he would stare into my eyes, as if trying to hold onto every word, every syllable.

"Good! Wouldn't want you to up and leave me." He winked and smirked, causing me to slap his arm. Cocky bastard. Holding his hands up in the air, he shrugged and laughed. "What? I can't help it when you're a cutie."

Blush creeped up my chest to my face, so I hid it with my hair. What the hell. Usually, I can flirt back with a snap, but with this dude, I just can't. I don't know what is wrong with me, am I sick? Am I dying?

Looking at my phone, I realize that it's around 11:30 P.M. Knowing they'd be home soon, I decided to take a deep breath and talk to this boy.

"How long have you lived here?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He stared at me with intensity as he spoke.

"Technically, I've lived in Florida all of my life."

"Technically?" He looks down when I ask that. When his face comes back up, a slight blush is hidden under his cheeks and he is biting on his lip.

"Let's just say I... Traveled a lot." He nodded, as if he was contempt with what he said. But when he spoke, his eyes never once glanced into mine.

"Traveled where." I can't help being curious. What is he hiding from me?

"All sorts of places." His answer was short and had a sense of anger in it. But me being me, I couldn't leave it at that.


Bolting up, he looked at me with hatred. His hands were clenched and his eyes were grey. How could this be the man who was smiling at me a couple of minutes ago?

"Why the hell do you got to be so damn pushy. Back off." He spit the words out at me. I inhaled a breath, and bit the inside of my cheek. The thing I'm best at? Pretending not to be hurt and attacking back with my bitchiness.

"Why the hell you got to be so secluded. Secrets aren't good, you know." I rolled my eyes out of irritation. Sneaking a peek at my phone, I saw that it was 11:45. They should be home any second, and I can't wait. Looking up, I see Brendon bending down over me.

He is so close I can feel his breath on my face. His hands are now on my shoulder, and they are so cold that a shiver runs through my body. Up close, I see that he has bags under his eyes, deep purple ones. His lips are cracked and chapped, looking painful as hell.

"Don't pry in my life. You'll only be disappointed, Little LuLu." While his voice held a threat, his eyes pleaded. I felt a pang in my heart when his eyes connected with mine, because all I could feel was pain in them. After a couple of seconds of staring in his eyes, I think harder on what he said.

"Little LuLu? What the hell?" Pushing him off of me, I stood up and walked to the door. I heard him shuffling behind me, but I kept going. When I got about ten feet from the door, he grabbed my arm and turned me around.


Suddenly, the front door opened and there stood his parents. Quicker than lightning, he dropped my wrists and backed away from me, casually leaning against the wall as if nothing has just happened. Her mother walked in, smelling slightly of wine.

"Lucy! Dear! Thank you so much for taking such sweet care of my little girl." She stepped forward and hugged me, laying her head on my shoulder for longer than I hoped. Mr. Scott nodded at me and walked up the stairs.

"Of course, Mrs. Scott. She was the sweetest little thing ever." I patted her back, and she finally departed from me. Searching through her purse, she rambled.

"Oh yes, of course. I only raised her to be the best. I hope Brendon wasn't too bad. He's a sweet boy, just gets moody easily. He's always been that way. One time when I was trying to feed him he started screaming and crying because he didn't like the food. Another time he was in the bath-"

"Mrs. Scott. I promise to you, he was on his best behavior the whole night." Looking up, she smiled at me, her eyes twinkling. She handed me the money, and hugged me.

"He's never nice to anyone. I wonder why he was with you." Pulling away, she smiled. "Don't be afraid to come over anytime! If I ever need a babysitter I'll be sure to come to you. Brendon, walk her to her house." She was walking upstairs as she spoke, slightly stumbling.

Brendon nodded and held the door open for me. Mentally rolling my eyes, I walked out. The air was now slightly cooler, and it felt like heaven on my skin.

"Are you still going to school?" He asked casually, his hands stuffed in his sweatpants pockets.

"Yeah. I'm a senior. Got held back in 7th grade for fighting. I missed to many days and didn't get caught up with the work in time before school ended."  He looked at me with a confused look, so I continued.

"All during 7th grade year, even on days when I wasn't technically allowed at school, I would walk this girl to and from school. She was always picked on and I hated it. She's the one I got into fights over all year. After the year, when her parents started to let her be homeschooled, she called me one night, crying. She told me it was good crying, because she was thinking on the past. She said that if I wasn't there I help her out, she probably would've killed herself. Ever since then, I felt more obligated than before to help anyone who needs it. To think that I could help someone's life be better, is the best feeling in the world.."

I rambled on, and he watched me.  We had stopped walking and stood outside my front door. He looked down at me, and even though I couldn't see his eyes, they sparked and I could feel the warmth coming from them.

"You are the kindest soul, Little LuLu." He whispered, a small smile playing at his lips. I smacked his arm and rolled my eyes.

"Keep calling me that and I'll call you Brendon the Bear. Are you in school?"  Mentally slapping myself in the face for the stupid nickname, I bit the inside of my lip.  He leaned closer, his lips brushing my ear.

"I would love to be called that by you." Pulling away, he grinned. I Thank God that's it's dark so he can't see me blush. "I graduated 2 years ago. I'm going to the college just down the road from the high school."

"Lucky you." I say, opening my door. Walking through it halfway, I wave and smile at him. "Guess I'll see you around, Brendon."

"See you soon, Lucille." With that, he nodded and walked back to his house. Closing my door, I couldn't help but lean against it and smile.

He's a bit bipolar, but a major sweetheart. Walking to my room, I keep on replaying the night, mostly when he got mad at me for asking too much. After I got undressed and laid in bed, my phone vibrated.

From: Bad Boy
Goodnight, Little LuLu. Turn your light off and go to sleep.

To: Bad Boy
Did you seriously put your number into my phone?

From: Bad Boy
You betcha. Now sleep.

To: Bad Boy
Goodnight, Brendon the Bear.

From: Bad Boy
Sleep tight, LuLu.

Putting my phone down, I smirked. A tough boy who likes nicknames? This boy was a secret filled mess. Biting my lip and closing my eye, I wonder if I'll ever find out all of his secrets.

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