Chapter 10

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Lucille P.O.V.

"Why, hello, Lucille. Hearing my voice a couple of hours ago wasn't good enough?" His voice is laced with humor, but with hints of something else.

"Lose the sass. I called to tell you a bed time story to help you sleep." I huff. Mentally slapping myself, I realize how childish I sound. The breathing stops on the other side for a couple of seconds before he talks again.

"You would do that for me..?" His voice sounds so vulnerable that my heart splits in two. Gulping, I nod my head, before remembering we are on the phone and he can't see me.

"Of course. Now are you ready to sleep?"

"Can... Can we talk for a little bit...?" I don't fight the smile that makes its way to my face. Opening my curtain all the way, I sit in my window seat.

"What do you wanna talk about?"

A few seconds go by before I get my answer.

"I wanna hear about the life of Princess LuLu." His voice sounds like velvet and I scoff to hide the fact my breathing hitched. Thank God he isn't over here right now. I have no doubt he would be laughing his ass off if he could see how red my face was. Something about the way he said princess... Shaking my head, I clear my throat.

"Nothing has really happened in my life. I have a shit dad. I protect people." I shrug, growing nervous about the fact that we are talking about myself.

"Tell me about you protecting people." His voice has gotten a lot deeper and I have to steady my breathing. Fiddling with my hands, I look out to his window, and see he is staring at me with a smile.

"I don't like people getting hurt. Seeing people in pain... Puts me in pain. Does that make sense? I feel like if I can do something for them, I can actually do something with my life. Heh.. I used to come home everyday with some part of my body bruised because I would fight bullies. I was the bully of bullies." I sigh at the end, and bite my lip.

"Wow. The little monster has more flare than I thought." He mutters and my mouth turns into a scowl.

"Excuse m-"

"I think that is the bravest thing anyone can ever do. Honestly, you're like a fücking hero." I blush, looking down. "Has anyone ever came up to you to say thank you?"

"Yeah. There was this one girl." I smile faintly at the memory. "Sweetest thing ever. She had a speech problem, so she got made fun of a lot. But she was literally like a world full of light. She always made my days brighter whenever I saw her. She would get made fun of everyday, and I would beat those assholes up. After fighting them, she always took me into the bathroom and cleaned my wounds with this small little smile on her face, but her eye were full of sadness. That's why I always fought them. She deserved to be happy. Like we were only fücking 14." My voice cracks and I look down. He's closer to the window now, as if encouraging me to go on. Taking a shaky breath, I continue.

"Everyday, they taunted her. Everyday, I tried to make it better. But her demons just kept getting stronger. Her school life sucked, and her home life wasn't the best. I tried everything I could to help her. Like, she was my first honest friend. But I couldn't do shit. Do you know how pathetic it is to just stand there and not to be able to do anything while your friend is falling apart?"


"She couldn't take it no more. She called me, one night, crying. She kept apologizing, over and over again and I was so confused. I told her to calm down. I offered to go over but she denied it. Said I had helped more than enough. We hung up after she convinced me that everything was ok. The next morning I woke up, she didn't. She killed herself that night. I was the only one in her suicide note. She thanked me for being her only light in the world of darkness..." Tears fall down my face and I don't try to stop them.

"Lucille..." His voice cracks.

"That's the first time I've talked about her since it happened. I'm sorry for making you listen to that. But she made me stronger. Made me want to keep fighting for all of the people that can't, you know?"

"You are so brave. She was lucky to have a friend like you." His voice whispers through the phone, and it calms me down.

"I was lucky to have her. Anyway, enough with the sad bullshit. Tell me something fun. How about Iris? Tell me something with her." I quickly change the subject, realizing how the subject was so depressing. He laughs, and I see his smile.

"One time, we went to visit family in Ohio. And the snow was crazy! Iris demanded I build a snowman with her. Like you, she can be scary. But we went and she had a blast. It's like the snow captured her laughter and made the world brighter. You should see her in the snow. I bet you'd love it."

I can't help but laugh. Iris in the snow? Precious. I definitely would love to see that.

"She's so adorable."

"Yeah. She is totally the cuter sibling." He gives a shaky laugh, and I giggle and shake my head

"Keep telling yourself that." I whisper. I blush after the words leave my mouth and I look over to see him rubbing his neck with a cheeky grin on his face.

"Sorry... Sorry. Uh, ready for bed? I still owe you a bed time story." He nods and goes to his bed, and I do the same.

"Thank you for calling me, Princess. I couldn't ask for anything more. You are truly a hero." His voice is low, and I smile.

"Hush and close your eyes. Time for your bed time story!" I hear him laugh, and heat runs through my body.

"Goodnight, LuLu."

"Goodnight, Bear. Ok, so once upon a time..."

Run through- Lucille called Brendon to tell him a bedtime story so he can sleep. Brendon asks if they can talk for a bit, and asks Lucille to talk about herself. She talks about a friend who killed herself when they were 14, but she is the reason why she has grown to be more protective.  To make the topic brighter, Brendon talks about Iris in snow. Then they fall asleep.

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