*** Chapter 14! ***

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KAY! I think I'm ready to write Chapter 14. Lol. I know I'm ready. 

You can't ever go wrong when you listen to one of Eminem's songs over and over again. xD I did that about... 30 times? Then I was finally ready to write this chap. *Jess takes microphone out and raps* "This looks like a job for me so everybody, just follow me, cause we need a little contaversy.. cause it feels so empty without me." 

Lol! xD Anywho.. I love how he dances in this video, with his costume on. Oh, just to let you know.. the song has nothing to do with this chapter.. O.o Sorry.. lol... I listened to it the whole time I wrote this  chapter. 

And the pic over there.. --------> 

Its... *sniffs* my Kendall. He's so amazing. xD "I heard that!" "You were meant to babe!" 

So, Enjoy peoples. :3


 // Kendall's PoV // O.O

I think Claire had gotten the hit, because the next thing I knew, I was hovering over her on the couch. 

I started to feel tugging at the bottom of my shirt, and I got up.  "Kendall?" 

"Yeah?" I questioned, pulling my shirt over my head, and carlessly tossing it on the floor. 

"Oh. Nevermind." 

"What?" I said, crawling back on her. 

"Well, I thougth that you didn't wanna do this when I started tugging at you're shirt, and you got up. But you just took it off yourself. So Nevermind." 

I smiled, then leaned down and kissed her softly, as her hands explored my body. 

I felt her lips part a little bit, so I was asuming that she was giving me an invitation. I slowly slid my tongue in her mouth. She tasted just like Watermelon, my favorite flavor of anything.. Well, and Strawberry. (A/N: That is a true fact. Kendall really likes anything that tastes like Watermelon, or Strawberry. Especially sour candies.)

I deepened the kiss, sliding my tongue in further. The sparks actually flew. Like fireworks. When I used to kiss Jo, don't get me wrong, sparks flew, but fireworks didn't go off like it does for Claire and I. And, that's how I knew she was the one for me. 

Suddenly, I heard a gasp. Who the hell would be gasping? Claire is kissing me, er.. I'm kissing her; vise versa. Or, was that Claire? 

I pulled away, breaking the kiss, and looked down. Okay, good. It was Claire. I decided to turn my head around to see the person who gapped at us. 

I saw a wide eyed James, and a crying Jo. Damn, I had forgotten that Claire gave James an extra copy of the her key card. Because when I was in the hospital from the accident, she refused to leave my side. She did it, so if she needed anything, or if I even did, he could run and get it for her. I should say thanks sometime for doing that. 


"He-hey bu-bud-buddy." He could hardly speak. 

I'm Pregnant, and Kendall Schmidt's the Father?!Where stories live. Discover now