*** Chapter 22! ***

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I am soooooooooooo tired..... and hungryyyyyyyy so I hope this chapter doesn't suck. :/ But.. I am trying to think up the parts and pieces to this chapter as I'm typing this, and I'm getting some writers block along with it, so I really hope it doesn't suck. :/

ALSO! I HAVE BEEN WRITING LIKE THE SPEED OF LIGHT! xD I really wrote 16 or 18 chapters to my new book, but I felt lazy and didn't spell edit and blah blah, so I haven't posted them all yet. >.< I will work on that soon, if it gets really popular. You think you guys can get it up to as many readers as this book? :D

I...I... I just got back from Tennessee. :3 fun little place, there, yupperz. :D I am so tired tho. Fucking 13 hour car ride. -.- UNNGHHH. But, I wrote a chapter already for 22 on mah iPod, because I was... REALLY REALLY BORED AT NIGHT THERE. I don't know if the chapter I wrote is long enough.. so .... I am just going to write more if its' not. or just stop there anyway. As long as its two pages... I AM FUCKING SATISFIED. :3


Lololol. I am random I get random when I'm tired or bored. So don't mind my randomness! PRAISE IT, DAMN YOU. :D

Pic to the right, will be... James. <3 lol. I love him so very much. Song will be SOS by Rihanna. :3

Enjoy!! x3 


// Claire's PoV //

~~ 2 weeks later ~~~

Here I was for about the 80th time today in my bathroom, puking my guts out. "I really think you should see a doctor."

"Kendall," I managed to choke out his name in-between upchucks. "I told you its just a little cold."

"You don't know that..." He sighed, pulling my hair back, while rubbing my back in soothing circles.

He was right. I really didn't know what the fuck was wrong with me. I just... don't know how I got sick! I mean, I haven't done anything or took anything to make me sick like this. So what is causing me to VOMIT!?! UGH.

I picked myself off the toilet, and slouched against the wall next to it. Kendall's firm hand gripped my shoulder, making me gaze up at him. His emerald green eyes, were filled with worry, and sadness. He really wanted to take me to the doctors, but my stubborn ass wouldn't let him. I knew that I just had to say; 'please take me to the doctor' and he would do it in a heartbeat.

"I'm alright Kendall." I tried reassuring him.

His eyes softened and he nodded.

"Just know," He begun saying, his eyes brimming with tears. "I will do anything to make you feel better again Claire.. You just gotta tell me how."

"Kendall.." I said his name, taking his hand in mine. "If this doesn't go away in two days, I will let you take me to the doctors."

And with those words, his face lit up. It was the first time he had smiled in the past two weeks. "Thank you, Claire."

I smiled, then stood up with him. Then, I leaned up and kissed him, but, he pushed me back quickly, yet gently.

"GROSS!" He shrieked.


"I don't want to kiss you while you taste like puke!" he laughed.

I glared at him, then grabbed my tooth brush, and begun scrubbing at my teeth. I had to try and figure out why I was sick all of a sudden.

I'm Pregnant, and Kendall Schmidt's the Father?!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon