Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

 Nicole's point of view: I could kill Libby right now I thought as I stared at Scotty. "Umm I was just headed to wear everyone else is, but umm ya." I say awkwardly. "Man I wish Libby told me I'd be eating dinner at an American Idol winner’s house, because I probably wouldn’t be making a fool of myself right now." I say with a nervous laugh. "I'm Nicole by the way, Libby’s new roommate." I say this is soooo awkward I thought. "I'm Scotty, but I guess you figured that out." He says with a cute lop sided grin. "Well nice to meet you." I say quickly walking to the back room. "I'm so gonna kill Libby I mutter" When I’m out of earshot.

 Scotty's point of view: I watch as Nicole walks toward the other guys. "Dagum" I say to myself. "Why couldn’t I say something other than my name to her?" I say. I bet that was just as awkward for her as it was me I thought as I sat on the couch with my friends. "Heeey its Scotty boy!" my friend says. "Hey guys this is my new roommate Nicole." Libby says. "Nicole this is Kyle, Will, Colin and Austin." I say. "Well it's nice to meet y'all." Nicole says. "Hey now you must not be from around here because we have never seen you around before." Will says.

 "Ya and we know all the pretty girls around here." Kyle says with a smirk. I must have been staring because Nicole gave me a funny look. Oh shoot I hope she doesn’t think I’m creepy I think. "I'm from California." Nicole says to the guys. "Oooh California girl!" "What's it like there?" Colin asks. "It's nice, nice whether almost all the time." Nicole says. "So are the guys hot there?" Libby asks. "Come on guys; lay off, she's new here." I find myself saying. I look up at Nicole and she gave me a grateful look.

 "Does Scotty have a wittle crush on the new girl?" Kyle says giving me a hard time. "Aww man come on guys lay off!" I say glancing at Nicole whose face is getting flushed while she's picking nervously at her nails. Well dagum she sure is pretty that’s for sure I thought. "GUUUYS DIIINNER!!!" I hear my momma yell. "Thank goodness, I’m starving." I say stealing another glance at Nicole.

 Nicole's point of view: Well that was awkward I thought as I walked into the kitchen with everyone. I hear a women’s voice say, "Well you must be Libby's new roommate!" "Scotty told me she was bringing you." she said. "I'm Judy and this is my husband Mike." Mrs. McCreery said. "Nice to meet you guys." I say sitting down at the table. As we all dished up, Mrs. McCreery came around and set a drink in front of all of us. I must have had a confused look on my face because Mrs. McCreery "its sweet tea dear."

 "Oh I’ve never had sweet tea I said." I feel like all eyes are on me and sure enough when I look up they are. "what!?" "I'm from California; sweet tea isn’t exactly common drink around there." I say as I take a cautious sip of the sweet tea. WOOOAH!! This is waay to sweet for me I thought. I realize quickly that everyone is waiting to hear what I think. "It's, it's interesting." I say. I hear Mr. McCreery let out a small chuckle. I shoot Mr. McCreery a questioning look.

 "So how do you like North Carolina so far?" I hear Ashley say breaking the silence. "I love it here so far!" "Of course I’ll miss my friends and family but there only a phone call away." I say. "So what do you guys like to do around here?" I ask Scotty. "Well when I have down time we just hang out and chill and eat alot of Bojangles." He says. "What’s a Bojangles?" I say curiously. "Scotty the girl you can’t stop oogling at, has never had Bo's" Colin said absolutely shocked.

 Scotty's point of view:  I watch as Nicole's face turns red yet again but this time it's my turn to be embarrassed. "Ok Ok apparently that’s a place I will have to stop at." Nicole says. "But hey at least Scotty has had In-N-Out burger, which has the best food in all of the west coast."

 Nicole says giving me a wink then quickly looking at her plate. Dagum she sure is cute when she’s embarrassed. I thought. "Well we should get going." Libby says breaking me from thought. "Thanks so much for having me last minute!" "I had alot of fun." Nicole says heading to the door with Libby. "Come back anytime Hun." Momma says.

 As the girls head to their car I notice that Nicole left her phone. I grab it and run out the door. "Wait Nicole!" I say tapping on the car window holding up her phone. "Oh my gosh, I would have freaked if I lost that." She says taking her phone. "Thanks" she says flashing me a cute nervous smile. As they drive off I can’t help but have a huge grin on my face.

Behind those blue eyes (Scotty McCreery Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें