Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

 Nicole’s point of view:

*Beep Beep Beep Beep* “I really don’t want to go to school today.” I mumble as I shut my alarm off. Darn you 8am classes. I think as I start getting ready. “I’m feeling lazy again so it’s a t-shirt, boots and jeans kind of day.” I say getting dressed.

 “I’m leaving.” I yell to Libby after I feed my dog. As I walk to class I see Scotty pacing around talking on his phone, so I decide to wait for him before going into class. I pull open my twitter app and see almost everyone is still talking about the pranks I pulled on Scotty. I couldn’t help but laugh.

 “What’s so funny?” I hear that familiar deep voice say as he wraps his arms around my waist. “Oh just the fact that all your fans are still talking about the prank I pulled on you and there wondering who the heck I am.” I say giving him a kiss on the lips before walking into class.

 “So who were you talking to?” I ask as we sit at the back of the class. “My manager, he was saying I have to fly out to Nashville to get some work done sometime soon.” Scotty says “when do you…” but I was cut off by the professor walking in. “Did you understand any of the theorems they mentioned?” I asked Scotty as we walked out of our last class.

 “Not really.”So you want to grab some lunch then chill at my place and what a game or something?” Scotty asks. “Wish I could but I have a doctor’s appointment.” I say as I notice Scotty giving me a worried look. “Don’t worry just a check up with my ear nose and throat doctor.’ I say giving him a kiss which instantly calmed him.

“Well text me when you’re done.” Scotty says kissing my forehead, then turns to walk to his car. “Hey Scotty?” I call out. “Ya” He says stopping and looking at me. I just walk up and give him a hug. “What was that for?” Scotty says raising his eyebrow. “Just cause.” I say as I reach up and give him a kiss before getting in my car.

 (After the Doctor’s)

 How am I supposed to tell Scotty that I have chronic tonsillitis and that they scheduled me to have my tonsils out Saturday? I think. Msg to Scotty: You home? I need to talk to you. Msg from Scotty: Ya why? What’s wrong? Msg to Scotty: I’ll tell you when I get there, on my way. I text then get back in my car.

Scotty’s point of view:

 “YOU NEED SURGERY?” I all but yell. “Calm down, they told me I just need my tonsils out; it’s a simple procedure not like brain surgery.” Nicole says. “There swollen so when I get sick it gets harder to breathe.” She tells me. “When do you need this surgery?” I ask while rubbing my temples. “Saturday.” She whispers. “That’s in 3 days.” I say. “I know, but they said I need them out ASAP.” Nicole says.

 “Well I’m here to help you through this.” I say. “See and this is why you’re the best boyfriend ever.” Nicole says giving me a kiss. “Well dagum, I’m a lucky guy.” I say with a smile.


 “Come on Scotty, hurry up we have to pick up Nicole still.” Momma yells. “Coming.” I say as I hop in the car. “You ready for this?” I ask as Nicole when she’s in the car and were on our way to the hospital. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” She says as we walk inside. “Hey look! Full house in on.” Nicole says excitedly after she’s done checking in.

 “Dagum girl, you and your full house!” I say with a chuckle. “Well at least my full house addiction is healthier than your Bojangles addiction.” She says laughing while poking me. “You’re so cute.” I say giving her a kiss. “Well you aint bad yourself.” She says poking my sides.

 “Quit it!” I say grabbing her hands while laughing. “Whyyyy, its funnnn.” Nicole whines while continuing to poke my sides. I just laugh and give her a kiss. “Nicole, they’re ready for you.” We hear the doctor say as Nicole stands.

“Hey.” I say grabbing Nicole and sitting her in my lap. “We will be here the whole time, so don’t worry, you will be fine.” “I’ll be there when you wake up.” I say giving her another kiss just a longer one. “I know.” She says giving me another kiss and hugging momma before heading back.

 (1 hour later)

 Nicole’s point of view:

“Moooom five more minutes.” “It’s too early to get up for school.” I mumble completely out of it. “Um Nicole you just had surgery.” I hear a voice say while laughing. “Well looky here, it’s the American Idol guy, and he’s even cuter in person.” I slur. “Yup, that me.” Scotty says with a chuckle as he kisses me forehead.

 “How you feeling?” Scotty asks. “Groggy.” I say a little more coherent. “You ready to go?” Scotty says helping me into the wheel chair. “Yup.” I say. As Scotty starts to wheel me through the hallway I start to not feel good.

I feel like I can’t get enough air in. Next thing I know I’m gasping for air. “NICOLE, NICOLE, WHATS GOING ON?” “WHATS WRONG!” I’m vaguely aware that Scotty is talking to me. It sounds like I’m in a bubble and his voice is getting farther and farther away. At this point I’m getting absolutely no air in my lungs. The last thing I see while someone’s whisking me away is Scotty hysterically crying into his mom’s shirt, and then everything goes black.

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