Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

 Scotty’s point of view: I wake up and it’s 6am. “Well the early bird catches the worm, as they say.” I say rolling out of bed and getting ready then heading to my truck to go surprise Nicole. “Please don’t let Zelda bark.” I say knocking on the door. A minute later a very sleepy and mad Libby opens the door. “If I wasn’t so dagum tired I would hurt you right now.” Libby mumbles letting me in then going back to bed. I quietly head upstairs and peek in Nicole’s room to see her and Zelda sleeping in bed.

 I tiptoe over and carefully lay on the bed next to her. I just look at her for a minute before leaning down and kissing her. She didn’t respond instead she just rolled over. “Dagum, we have a heavy sleeper here.” I whisper with a laugh. “I’m not getting up.” Nicole says groggy and rolling onto her stomach. “Morning beautiful birthday girl.” I say. “Flattery aint gonna work.” Nicole says. ”you should get up.” I say kissing the top of Nicole’s head. “Are you kidding me Scotty its 6am go away! Nicole says pulling the covers over her head. “fine.” I say moving a little closer to her.

 “Don’t you dare McCreery.” Nicole says rolling over to face me knowing I was going to tickle her. “Ok you win.” I say wrapping my arms around her and pulling her towards me. “Yah no, you make a great pillow.” Nicole says snuggling up to me. “I could spend my whole birthday right here.” Nicole says. “Uh-huh, I bet, but your getting up!” I say lifting her and setting her on the floor. “NOOOO!” Nicole says crawling back under they covers. “My parents are expecting us in an hour, so you need to get up!” I say starting to tickle her but she still won’t get up. “Dagum your stubborn.” I say lying next to her with a laugh. Then an idea pops in my head.

 “I love you birthday girl.” I say leaning down and giving Nicole a long kiss. “You seriously need to get up now though.” I say with my forehead pressed to hers. “Nope, check back in oh I don’t know 4 hours then maybe.” Nicole says rolling over. “Ok that’s it!” I say starting to tickle her. “Stoooop iiit!!! No stop! Fine I’ll get up!” Nicole says rolling out of bed and walking right past me to her closet. “What no good morning kiss?” I say with a pout. “Nope you don’t deserve one, you tickled me.” Nicole says with a smirk before walking into the bathroom. “Ready to go?” Nicole says walking out. “Yup.” I say wrapping my arms around Nicole and giving her another kiss before we head out to my truck.

 Nicole’s point of view: Msg from dad: Happy Birthday, Man you’re getting old! But I have a question. Msg to Dad! Gee thanks and what’s that? Msg from dad: I was flipping through the radio on the way to work and heard the last few minutes of a talk show with Scotty, and they asked how his GF named Nicole was doing? Do you know about this and I’m curious do you know her? I know this is just a coincidence. Msg to Dad: Yah I knew, my roommate is friends with Scotty and I know his GF better then I should……….. It’s me Msg from Dad: hahahaha you’re so funny!! But do you really know her? And do you know Scotty? Msg to dad: Yes and yes, but I’ve got to go know! I‘m out with a friend.

 “Ok what’s wrong, you have had a weird expression while you were texting.” Scotty asks. “Oh my dad heard your radio show that was talking about me and he didn’t believe me when I said your girl friend is me, he just thought it was a coincidence, but don’t worry we will show him later.” I say as we walk into the house just as lunch is brunch is being served.

“OK present time, everyone to the living room!” Scotty says after we eat. “Y’all didn’t have to get me anything.” I say sitting next to Scotty. “Ok us first!” Ashley says handing me a large rectangular box. “This is from Mom dad and me.” Ashley says as I open the box. “You guuuys I can’t accept these.” I say staring at the brown cowgirl boots I fell in love with a few weeks ago at the mall. “Oh yes you can, besides Ashley told us that you really wanted to buy them but you decided not to.” Mrs. McCreery says. “Thank y’all so much!” I say as I hug them all.

 “Ok I’m next.” Scotty says handing me another big box but square and a very small box. I open the small box and see a silver necklace with a pendant that say 143. “It’s beautiful Scotty.” I say as he takes t and fastens it around my neck. Next I open the very large box.“Oh. My. Gosh.” I say staring at this canvas feeling the tears forming in my eyes. “Don’t just leave us hanging, Scotty wouldn’t tell us what he got you so read it out loud.” Ashley says.  “It says, I’ll love you to the moon and back, I’ll love you all the time, Deeper than the ocean and Higher than the pines… I Love You This Big- Scotty McCreery.” I say as some tears fall

 “Scotty your gonna make your momma cry!” Mrs. McCreery says dabbing her eye with a napkin. “Well we know Nicole likes it because she’s crying.” Ashley says as I hide my face behind the canvas. “Thank y’all so much, this has been the best Birthday so far.” I say still a little teary eyed.  “Well we better head out, thanks for everything mom and dad.” Scotty says hugging then as we leave. When we walk out the door I just stop and look at Scotty. Before he has the chance to say anything I lean up and meet his lips with mine in a long kiss. “I love you so much Scotty you have know idea.” I say when I pull back as another tear falls down my face.

 “No need to cry now.” Scotty says wiping the tear that escaped with his thumb before leaning in and kissing me again. “So wear are we going?” I ask as we get in the car and start driving. “To the airport, my manager wants me to pick up a package in person that there flying in from California.” Scotty says. “Ok what gate.” I say when we arrive and hop out of the car. “37.” Scotty says as we reach the gate and start watching people come out.

 “So their bringing it out to you?” I say. “Yup.” Scotty says with a grin as I wrap my arms around him in a hug. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see someone very familiar walk out. “OH MY GOSH!” I say loudly in Scotty’s ear. “Remind me never to trust another word you say.” I say to Scotty before taking off running to my best friend. “Sutton, what the heck is going on, what are you doing here, who, when, OMG!” I say hugging her. “Chill out girl and your boyfriend put me up to it, speaking of which aren’t you going to introduce me?” Sutton says with a laugh.

  “Ok but don’t try anything.” I say with a laugh. “Scotty this is Sutton, Sutton Scotty.” I say as they hug. “I can’t believe you managed to pull this off, I love you.” I say giving Scotty a quick kiss because were in public. “Ok this is going to take some major getting used to.” Sutton says as we head out to the car. “What?” Scotty and I both say. “The fact that my best friend is dating country superstar and American Idol winner Scotty McCreery.” Sutton says as we all laugh. “Sometimes I forget that I’m dating a country star, Scotty just seems so normal to me, well he’s sometimes normal.” I say with a laugh.

 “Hey, I’m normal.” Scotty says with a laugh. “So what do y’all want to do?” Scotty asks. “Well first thing first, we have to get this California girl some Bojangles.” I say. “You got that right.” Scotty says with a laugh as we head for home. 

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