Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Nicole’s point of view: “Hey look who’s finally up.” Ashley says as I walk into the kitchen area on the bus. “Is Scotty still asleep, because I didn’t see him in his bunk?” Mrs. McCreery. “He’s actually in mine, he said I had a nightmare last night so he woke me up and we just chilled and hung out until we both fell asleep.” I say looking at my coffee.

 “I trust you guys, so I’m not worried, I was just curious.” Mrs. McCreery says with a smile. “Yah but there version of chilling was laughing talking and lip locking which kept me up and did I mention it was 4am?” Ashley says with a laugh. “Oh plus Nicole fell off her bunk.” Ashley says. “Ashleeey, no need to re-live that.” I say.

“Y’all are wearin me out, Mike and I are out numbered by kids now.” Mrs. McCreery says with a laugh while refilling her coffee. “I’m gonna go and try to wake up sleepy head.” I say heading back to the bunks. I climb up the side of the bunk and flop down next to Scotty thinking it would wake him, but it didn’t.

“Time for plan B.” I whisper while leaning forward to meet his lips with mine. Still no response.  “Ok you leave me no choice.” I say facing my back to him so I can hop off the bunk but before I can go anywhere I feel arms wrap around me then start tickling me. I whip my head around. “NOO FAIR!! I yell while laughing.

 “I will get you back for this McCreery and it’s gonna be revenge like you have never seen.” I say while still laughing. “What do you mean revenge like no one has ever seen.” Scotty says pulling me into his lap then eyeing me questioningly.

 “That’s for me to know and you to find out later.” I say with a grin. “So we have all morning and afternoon to chill, what do you want to do today?” Scotty asks. “Hmmm being lazy and chilling with the most amazing and cutest guy I know sounds great.” I say.

“Really? Were is this guy you speak of, I’d like to meet him.” Scotty says with a laugh. “Very funny.” I say pressing my lips to his. “Oh and Ash and my parents are out around the town so it’s just us.” Scotty says. “YIPEE!” I squeal will taking off towards the kitchen. A few minutes later I have pancakes cooking on a skillet. “Dang it! Scotty watch the pancakes I forgot I have to make a phone call.” I say running to the back of the bus then closing the door.

I called Mike Scotty’s tour manager and Ashley and filled them in on my plan. “Ash you will buy the supplies?” I ask. “Yup, this is going to be the best prank EVER!” Ash squeals. “Oh you know it will, but I’ve gotta go before Scotty burns the bus down, were cooking pancakes.” I say. “Ok see you later.” Ashley says before hanging up. I walk back to the kitchen and see pancakes done and on the table so I grab one and take a bite but immediately spit it back out.

“Scotty these are still half raw.” I say with a laugh as batter oozes from the pancake I just bit into. “Hey you’re the one who asked me to watch the pancakes, and they looked done, but you have a little something on you face.” Scotty says before smearing some batter on my cheek. “Real cute Scotty, Real cute.” I say as batter drips off my face.

“I literally can not wait until your show tonight.” I say flinging some batter which hits Scotty dead in the face. A few minutes later both our faces are covered in batter and were both cracking up. “You mom is going to kill us both if we don’t get this cleaned up.” I say before kissing Scotty. “And I think you have acquired a new nickname!” I say. “And what would that be?” Scotty says. “The Pillsbury Doughboy.” I say cracking up.

 “Very funny Nicole.” Scotty says glaring at me while picking me up and kissing me sweetly on the lips. “Come on lets clean up, I have sound check soon.” Scotty says setting me down but not before stealing another kiss. 

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