Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

*Nicole’s point of view: Msg to Ashley: Hey will you go to the mall with me? I want to buy some things but not for me. Msg from Scotty: Hey do you want to come over? (: Msg from Ashley: For Scotty? And sure what time? Msg to Ashley: In like an hour and yup (; Msg to Scotty: Can’t right now, going to go out with Ashley to pick up some stuff. Msg from Scotty: Oh I see my sister is more fun :p fine but be back and ready by 6pm cause I’m taking you out (: Msg to Scotty: Yup! JK love you and see you then. Msg from Scotty: Don’t you want to know were I’m taking you? Msg to Scotty: No because I know you won’t tell me anyways. Now I have to go pick up Ash talk to you later. I text while heading to my car.

“So were we heading first?” Ashley says hugging me and then getting in the car. “Target, Guitar center and Michaels crafting store.” I say “what happened to the mall?” Ashley says soundly slightly disappointed. “I decided these three stores would be easier to drive to then walking around the mall and being tempted to buy stuff for myself.” I say as we get out and walk into target. “So I want to put together a gift basket from Scotty as a good luck with you new head lining tour.” I say grabbing a cart and a basket for the gift. As we shop around I grab various boxes of cereal, candy and other small goodies.

“Let’s head to Michaels next.” I say loading everything in the car. “I had a blanket and guitar strap custom made and that’s why were going to these two stores.” I say while entering Michaels and picking up the blanket from customer service. “Oh Nicole he will love this.” Ashley gushes as she looks at the red and white blanket with the NC state symbol all over the white side. “If you flip it over you will see words that are different memories to us.” I say as she flips it over. “I chose Bojangles, Lake Benson, 143, sweet tea, I love you this big, McCreery and chipmunk cheeks because that’s my nickname for him.” I say with a laugh as we head to guitar center. “I want to keep the guitar strap in it packaging but it says McCreery on one side and Phil 4:13 on the other.” I say to Ashley as we pull up to her place. “Thanks for coming.” I say as Ashley hugs me and leaves.

*Scotty’s point of view: “You look beautiful as always.” I say while walking Nicole to my truck for our date. “Thank you babe, but I’m curious as is to why we are going out tonight?” Nicole asks. “Because I have other stuff planned for you tomorrow evening.” I say while driving to the lake. “Hey you can’t fall asleep now.” I say tickling Nicole’s sides to wake her. “Sorry I may or may not have stayed up till 6am skyping my friend.” Nicole says as we pull up to Lake Benson.

“What are we doing here?” Nicole says as I blind fold her and lead her down a path. “Ok take off you blind fold.” I say. “Wow this is beautiful; you didn’t have to do all this for me.” Nicole says hugging me and looking at the picnic blanket spread out on the dock. “I brought Bojangles and some cake for after.” I say setting all the food up and then start eating. “So I start my new road trip 2013 tour next week.” I say

*Nicole’s point of view: “I no.” I say trying not to dwell on the fact that he is leaving again but for longer. “How would you feel about coming on tour with me?” Scotty says nonchalantly. “WHAT!” I shriek almost choking on my cake. “Of course, if you want me there!” I say giving Scotty a big kiss and a hug. “I’m going on tour!” I squeal bouncing up and down. “Dagum girl, you one ball of energy, maybe we should lay off the cake.” Scotty says with a laugh as we lay back and look at the stars. “Hey Scotty?” I say. When Scotty looks over I smush some cake on his face. “You did not just do that.” Scotty says with a laugh. “Oh I did now smile!” I say taking a picture and opening up a new tweet.

Twitter: @NicoleElizabeth94: This could get ugly. I may or may not have smushed some cake in @ScottyMccreery’s face(; I tweet. When I look up Scotty smushes cake in my face. “OK TRUCE!!” we both yell covered in cake a minute later. “Smile!” I say taking a picture of both of us then opening another new tweet.

Twitter: @NicoleElizabeth94: Annnd it got ugly! @ScottyMcCreery = Mr.CakeMonster. I tweet. “This has to be the most epic early birthday dinner ever!” I say hugging a very sticky Scotty. “I’m so in love with you it’s scary.” I say giving Scotty a long kiss. “Now let’s go home so we can de-cake ourselves.” Scotty says with a laugh. “Aren’t you staying at your parents tonight?” “I can only imagine your mom’s face when you walk in the door.” I say busting out laughing as we start to drive home. “I’ll text you in the morning and if I don’t hear back then I know what happened.” I say giving Scotty a wink before walking into my place.

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