Chapter 35

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Chapter 35

(4 years later)

Scotty’s point of view: “So are you ready for tonight son?” Dad says. “I’m nervous but I’m ready to take this big step in my life.” I say. “My baby boy’s growing up!” Momma says with some tears in her eyes.

 “Momma you promised you wouldn’t cry till after she says yes.” I say hugging her. “It almost show time Scotty, you still need to get your ear pieces in.” My manager says.

 Nicole’s point of view: “Ready for your show tonight babe?” I say to Scotty. “I’m more then ready, tonight has the potential for going down in the history books.” Scotty says with a grin as I roll my eyes. “Your dressed awfully nice tonight.” I say looking at him. “Why thank yah darling.” Scotty says before giving me a kiss.

 “Sorry to break you two apart but its show time Scotty.” Scotty’s manager says handing him a mic. About two hours later it’s time for the final song. “I’m gonna change it up tonight y’all.” I hear Scotty say from the stage. “I wanna bring out someone very special for this final song; please welcome my incredible girlfriend Nicole to the stage.” Scotty says as my mouth falls open.

 “Ashley what’s going on?” I say nervously. “I don’t know, why don’t you go out there?” Ashley says with a grin that makes it obvious to me that she knows what’s up but won’t tell me. “Hey babe.” Scotty says as I walk out on stage in front of a few thousand people and sit down in the chair that was placed there.

“Y’all know my girlfriend of almost five years and for you twitter addicts out there I'm sure you know how we met, I want to end the night with I love you 

This Big, but I have one thing I need to do first.” Scotty says turning to me. “Scotty what’s going on.” I say looking into his eyes.

 “Nicole we have been together for almost five years, and I knew the moment I first met you, that there was something special about you. It didn’t take me long to fall in love with you and I didn’t just fall in love, I fell head over heels for you Nicole, you’re the love of my life, and I never want to have to worry about loosing you.” Scotty says.

“Oh my god!” I say clasping my hands over my mouth as Scotty starts to get down on one knee. “Nicole, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” Scotty says producing a black box from his pocket as the tears start to pour down my face. “Nicole…. Will you marry me?”

Scotty asks opening the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. “Of course.” I say through the tears as I stand, Scotty then picks me up and twirls me around before giving me a huge kiss on the lips and sliding the ring on my finger. At this point I don’t care how many people are staring at us or taking pictures.

 In my mind it’s just Scotty and I on stage. A moment later Scotty breaks into the song. I no I’m still young, but I know how I feel, I might not have to much experience, but I know when love is real, the way my heart starts pounding when I look into your eyes, I might look a little silly standing with my arms stretched open wide. I love you this big, oh eyes have never seen this big, no ones ever dreamed this big, and I want to spend the rest of my life, saying what words can not describe but I’ll try, I love you this big.

When the song ends I exit the stage while Scotty thanks the crowd. I get off the stage and just break down crying as all the memories of the past couple of years with Scotty wash over me. “Were going to be sisters!!” Ashley exclaims with tears in her eyes as she hands me a tissue box. “I’m going to have another daughter.” Mrs. McCreery says with tears falling down her face as she wraps me in a hug.

“And I’m going to have a wife.” I hear as I’m being lifted into Scotty’s arms. When he sets me down we just stand there for a minute staring into each others eyes. It took me a second to realize the tears now freely falling down Scotty’s face. 

“Aww babe you’re crying.” I say wiping some tears from his face. “I just can’t believe I’m going to be getting married to the most beautiful girl and my best friend.” Scotty says as me tears fall down both our faces.

“How did I get so lucky, when I was younger I couldn’t even imagine having a boyfriend let alone getting married, and now look at me, I’m going to be marrying my best friend.” I say crushing my lips to Scotty’s. “I love you so much.” I say pressing my forehead to his. “Not as much as I love you Nicole.” Scotty says giving me another kiss.

(11 months later)

Nicole’s point of view: “Are you ready for this Nicole?” My dad says while linking arms with me to get ready to walk me down the isle to wear I will be marrying the man of my dreams. “I’m more then ready for this new chapter in my life to start.” I say.

“Nicole wait! Scotty wanted me to give this to you, don’t worry you still have a little bit of time.” Ashley says running up to me and handing me a small box. “Ill give you a minute.” My dad says walking away to find my mom.

When I open the box I see a delicate silver bracelet with tiny diamonds encrusted in it and attached is a note. Nicole, today’s the day, I get to marry the most beautiful girl in the world and I can’t wait. Words can not describe how much I love you. These past few years with you have been the best few years of my life, who knew that my friends sisters new room mate would end up being my fiancée? We have been through so much together and I wouldn’t change anything good or bad for the world. I’m ready to make you mine forever. Love Scotty.  "You're the only one and only, my heart's beating for, I love you, need I say more" - George Strait

 “Are you ready Nicole?” My dad says breaking me from thought. “I sure am.” I say tucking the note into my dress so I can put it somewhere safe. My dad links arms with me and starts to walk me down the isle to the time of the music starting to play.

 Scotty’s point of view: I watch as all the bride’s maids and grooms men walk down the isle, then the ring barer and flower girl. When I see Nicole walking towards me I can’t help the huge smile that comes across my face. “You look so beautiful.” I whisper as our pastor starts the ceremony.

“I love you.” Nicole mouths at me. As the ceremony continues I finally hear the words that I have been waiting so long to hear. “Scotty you may now kiss your bride.” Our pastor says. I step forward and meet Nicole’s lips with mine as the crowd erupts into cheers.

 “I know pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Scotty Cooke McCreery.” My pastor says. “I love you so much Mrs. McCreery” I say with a huge grin and tears in my eyes as I meet Nicole’s lips with mine once again. “I love you too.” Nicole says with tears also in her eyes.

Author's Note: I wrote this  fanfic a while back, so I know it's not that good but if your reading this then thank you for reading!!!!

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