Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

 Nicole’s point of view: When I woke up I fully realized the toll that my fall on the hill yesterday had on my body. I grab my phone and see a message. Msg from Scotty: Breakfast, just you and me?(; Msg to Scotty: Ok give me 20. I text heading into the bathroom to get ready. I really hope I’m not super bruised. I think lifting my shirt. “You have got to be kidding me.” I whisper staring at the bruises covering my sides and splotched across my stomach. It’s no big deal just some bruises I think while applying some make-up before heading out. 

Msg to Scotty: outside y... But before I can finish the text Scotty walks out the door. “Hey beautiful.” Scotty says giving me a squeezing hug. “Hey babe.” I say through gritted teeth from the pain but Scotty doesn’t seem to notice.“Ready to go?” Scotty asks. “Yup.” I say walking ahead of him with my arms folded across my stomach.

After breakfast we go to head back to the elevators and that’s when I notice Scotty’s staring at me. “Nicole, what’s wrong.” Scotty asks. “Nothing, I’m fine.” I say giving him a convincing smile. “I’ve known you long enough to know that something’s up, what’s wrong?” Scotty says grabbing my arm before I can retreat into my room. “Really I’m fine.” I say getting slightly annoyed. “I’m not stupid, Nicole look at me, what’s wrong.” Scotty says cupping my chin. “I’m fine, really, just…. Just, I’m ok. “Ok if you’re so fine then why haven’t your hands left your sides and stomach all morning?” Scotty says raising his voice upset. “I’m fine!! Just leave me alone!” I snap immediately regretting it. It looked like he just took a slap to the face. “Fine.” Scotty says going into his room and slamming the door leaving me in the hallway.

“Nicole what’s going on, who were you just fighting with?” Ashley says in the door way. “I’m fine and it was Scotty.” I say flopping on the bed starting to cry. “Everyone’s gone out skiing so it’s just me and you know what’s wrong Hun.” Ashley says sitting next to me. I launch into the story about my fall on the slope and the bruises and how I didn’t want to tell Scotty because he would freak and how I’ve been really upset since Sutton’s leaving to go back to California tomorrow. “How bad are the bruises?” Ashley asks. “Bad.” I say lifting my shirt to show her. I watch her face go pale. “I can understand you not wanting to tell him because he can be a little overbearing but you know as well as I do that you need to tell him.” Ashley says. “Now come with me.” She says leading me out the door and over to Scotty’s room.

Scotty’s point of view: I’m laying on the bed thinking about the fight I just had with Nicole and wondering what’s she’s hiding from me when I hear a knock on the door. “It’s open.” I say turning my attention back to the ceiling. “I have someone who wants to talk to you.” I hear my sister’s voice say. I look over and see Nicole and her face is all red from crying.

 “Come here Nicole.” I say patting the bed as Ashley walks out the door to let us talk. “I’m, I’m sorry about earlier, it’s just I had a bad fall yesterday on the slope and bruised myself up pretty badly and I was afraid to tell you because I didn’t want you to freak out.” Nicole whispers. “How bad are the bruises.” I whisper with my eyes closed. She dosnt say anything instead she just lifts her shirt up, and I see the bruises all over her torso. “God I’m so stupid, I should have told you right when it happened, I probably have some cracked ribs but theres nothing the doctors can do about it and on top of this I’m trying to deal with the fact that Sutton’s leaving tomorrow.” Nicole says lying back on the bed covering her face before starting to cry again.

I walk over and get the first aid kid that momma made me bring and get an ice pack some Advil and tissues. “Shhhh calm down.” I say cupping Nicole’s chin and meeting her eyes. “I love you and nothing you do will ever change that.” I say leaning down and giving her a lingering kiss. “Well unless your were some mass murderer then we would have a problem.” I say with a chuckle as Nicole starts to laugh. “Mass murderer, umm look at me, I got taken down by some ice, so I think you’re good.” Nicole says talking the pain pills and lying back down with the icepack. 

I gently trace the outline of one of the bruises on her stomach. “Only you wouldn’t realize that a shiny patch in the snow isn’t good.” I say with a chuckle. “Well this would be why my dad says I’m the klutziest person he knows.” Nicole says. “I agree.” I say with a laugh. “Well at least I don’t have to left feet.” I fire back and have I ever told you how much I love you Scotty.” Nicole says looking at me. “Maybe once or twice.” I say giving her a kiss but when I pull back she leans in for another.

“What was that for?” I ask. “Just cause, and I still don’t see how you put up with me and my craziness.” Nicole says. “Hey your not that crazy.” I say kissing her forehead. “The pain pills are kicking in so do you want to go outside and pelt Colin and everyone with snowballs?” I ask with a mischievous grin. “You really are a big troublemaker.” I say with a laugh. “That may be true but I’m your trouble maker.” Nicole says kissing me before running outside to make snowballs to pelt at our unsuspecting friends but not before she pelts me smack in the face with one. “And some how I saw that coming.” I say laughing while running after Nicole with a hand full of snow.

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