Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

 Nicole’s point of view: I find myself standing center stage looking at the venue and all the seats in complete awe. “I don’t get how he does this every night, I mean I used to dream of becoming a singer when I was little but this is insane.” I say to myself while walking down towards the catwalk. “So what do you think?” I hear which causes me to jump. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” Scotty says wrapping his arms around my waist. 

“I don’t see how you do this every night, I mean id be terrified I’d forget the words or fall off the stage or something, But I know you have already accomplished the falling on the stage part.” I say poking Scotty in the stomach with a laugh. ‘Hey now, that was an accident I wasn’t paying attention, I’m usually not that clumsy.” Scotty says with a laugh.

“Are you kidding me?” “You can’t even walk into a room without bumping into something, oh and you two left don’t help the whole situation either.” I say busting out laughing as Scotty scowls. “I see how it is; I’ll get you back for those comments Brooks.” Scotty says with a mischievous grin.

 “But I have to get ready for my meet and greet now babe, are you ok with coming into the room and handing out photos or do you want to wait in my dressing room?” Scotty asks me. “No I’ll go with you, were dating so I have to learn how to interact and be around your fans.” I say following him to where his parents are.

“Ok you ready for this?” Scotty asks. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” I say walking over to were the meet and greet room is with Scotty. When we get in the room were greet with a lot of squeals and “OMG look its Scotty!” When the fans finish with their pictures I had them their photo. “Hey I just want to say I think you and Scotty are a really cute couple, I wish you guys the best.” A girl says as I hand her, her picture. “Wow thank you, that means a lot.” I say. A little bit later the second to last girl goes up to meet Scotty and she is the one I’ve been weary off, I was getting a lot of glares from her.

“You’re Nicole aren’t you?” The girl says stopping in front of me. I debate on whether or not I should lie to her. “Yah I am why?” I say as the girl gives me a once over. “Humph he can do better.” She says “Excuse me?” “You have no right to say that.” I say to the girl. “Look at you, your fat and ugly, for all I care you can go disappear then Scotty can date a girl like me.” The girl says with a grin while taking her picture. Before I even knew what I was doing I dropped the photo and ran out of the room as the tears started to pour down my face.

Scotty’s point of view: “Nicole wait!” I say taking off after her once I met the last fan, but she doesn’t stop, instead she runs into my dressing room and slams the door closed. “Babe open up, I heard what happened, and the last fan I met told me about what she had been saying.” I say against the door. 

No answer, I just hear crying. “Ok that’s it I’m coming in.” I say opening the door. When I open it I see Nicole on the couch with mascara running down her face. “What that girl said was way out of line and untrue, and we had her kicked out for it.” I say sitting next to Nicole. “No Scotty, It is true, I mean look at me, I am fat and I sure as heck aint pretty, all this time we have been dating I’ve wondered what you saw in me, cause I don’t see it.” Nicole says with tears streaming down her face.

“What I see is a smart, funny, caring, witty and beautiful girl, I see the girl that I feel head over heels for.” I whisper lifting her chin so I could kiss her. We sat there for a little while kissing and laying around. We would have stayed like this longer but momma popped her head in to tell me it’s almost show time. “Come on your going to watch the show from the side of the stage with my family.” I say leading Nicole to the side of the stage.

Nicole’s point of view: “Babe you show was fantastic.” I say leaning up to kiss Scotty. “You ok?” Scotty asks. “Yah I’m good, I realize not all your fans are going to like me, I just have to learn to handle it.” I say. “But I’m going to go back to the bus to take a nap.” I say as a small grin pops up on Scotty’s face which makes me think he has something planned.

 “Ok I just have to finish up a few things then we will be on our way.” Scotty says. I’ve got to remember to close my curtain so Mr. Prankster over there won’t pull and funny business on me while I’m asleep I think as I head outside to the bus. When I get out to the bus I see a face, that I was hoping would be long gone and I’d never have to see again.

“Heey Nicole.” The girl says walking up to me. “So your little boyfriend had me kicked out, how caring of him.” The girl says in a mocking tone with a look on her face that could kill. “What do you want?” I say. “Oh me?” “Nothing I just want to say enjoy the rest of your relationship, because it won’t last.” She says. 

 “Well at least I’m dating a guy that cares about me, you should find one.” I say standing my ground as she flinches at my remark. “I just hope nothing bad happens to one of you guys that would cause you to kiss your precious little relationship goodbye.” “Scotty’s not the guy you think he is.” She says stepping nose to nose with me with a sly grin on her face before walking away leaving me in the parking lot.

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