Chapter 1: Raised From Perdition

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Castiel had never really fit in with his family. His brothers and sisters were so... obedient. Unmoving, unfeeling. They bore uncanny resemblence to marble statues, in more ways than appearance. It sickened him, watching them being tossed around like playthings, and they didn't even realize it. Always, Castiel felt a deep ache, longing for something more but not knowing exactly what it was he wanted. Freedom? Respect? He had no idea. 

Since he was a fledgling, Castiel knew he was built of something unique; something different. "You have too much heart, Castiel." His siblings would say. Sometimes, he even thought he strode dangerously close to rebellion  but he never failed to rein himself back in. Castiel knew if he ever really followed his heart, he would end up like Lucifer, or worse.  


It wasn't until The Righteous Man had entered Hell that Castiel's life truly began. He rememered vividly that day so long ago now, when the garrison recieved Michaels commands to lay siege to Hell to drag the Righteous Man back. It would be a long and dangerous trip, Michael had said. It would cost them many lives, but iot would be worth it in the end. Castiels siblings nodded obediently, and turned their gaze away with reverence. The young angel tried to mirror their movements, but Michael was already staring him down with dominant anger. He left them with one last comment, hard and bitter. 

"God has commanded it." 


Michael was right, Hell was dangerous, and so far they indeed had spent many lives just to get here. For the first time in a millennia, Castiel was exhausted. His whole being was tired and he would give anything for a moments rest. The angel stopped his urgent flight, and fell back towards the end of their shrinking group.

Gurgled screams and hard whimpers of who knows what echoed around Castiel as he hovered around the dark, wet blackness of hell. Surprisingly, the air was frigid and stagnant, smelling of sweat fear and blood. Castiel wrinkled his nose, and let his brothers and sisters lead the way towards Dean Winchester, their grace lighting the dark metallic walls of the pit as they went. Condensation was building up on his skin, pricking his wings and dragging his feathers down. 

Instead, He found himself in a sort of metallic hallway with cages lined up along the walls. The air was frigid, clinging and sticking to Castiel. The only part of Castiel's imagination that was correct was the screams. Agonizing shrieks and gurgled pleas echoed madly around him. Castiel struggled to keep from covering his ears, and instead pushed his shoulders back and held his head high. He was an Angel. He was strong. He could do this. Castiel needed to be intimidating to sucessfully resue Dean Winchester in one piece, or at least assist the sibling of his that would.It was surprisingly dark around him, with just enough glow to show shadows and the ominous gleen of eyes. Some were red, some yellow, some white and some that were just.. dark. Castiel paid no attention to these, and just marched along the cold, metal below him and his fellow soilders. 

Deep wisps of  black smoke would slink out of an unknown source, and fill the air around him. They danced frighteningly around the angels, swirling and teasing them. It wasn't until one brushed up against him that he recognized what they were. 

"Demons!" Castiel called out, pulling out a demon blade. Around him his brothers and sisters did the same, crying out commands and swinging their blades madly.


Breathless, Castiel slumped to the cool floor. The bodies of his fallen brethern lay about him, rotting with the darkness and animalistic atmosphere. Everywhere was metal and blood. Cages hung from every possible place, rusting and dripping with unknown fluids. Castiel was too horrified to notice the smells and the extreme temperatures. Still, the souls screamed on and with them was a low voice. Demonic laughter cackled away in the distance; not very close but not nearly far enough. 

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