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Italy's P.O.V.

I felt a little bad about leaving America at the restaurant, but Germany assured me that he wouldn't hold it against us. We were heading to the beach now, and I quickly forgot about America, focusing more on the view I could now see; beautiful waves of water I saw and the sandcastles cute little bambini were making in the sand.

"Ah! I always love the ocean! Germany, let's swim first, okay?!" I told him, and he just chuckled from the driver's seat.

"Ja, okay. Just don't get taken up by the waves, I don't want to have to swim that far out" Germany warned me, and I nodded, enthusiastic to get out of the car and into the ocean.

Germany parked in one of the beach's parking spots, and I got off the car. I ran off towards the beach, jumping a little during each step.

"Italy, wait! Dear gott, you're never this fast in training!" I heard Germany yell from behind me. I just giggled, stopping to wait for him. He quickly did, and I hugged him.

"Sorry, Luddy, I was just so excited. Let's play together, okay?" I told him. I smiled wider as I saw a tint of blush uncharacteristically on Germany's cheeks. He nodded, smiling softly down at me.

"Ja, but I'm not sure if I can keep up with your enthusiasm" Germany said, taking ahold of my hand. I let him lead me over to the water, and I grinned as he tested it to see how cold it was.

"Just jump into the waves! It's faster!" I said to Germany, running a little more than him into the water and paddling softly. It was only a few feet deep where I was, so I could still stand if I wanted to.

Germany hesitated, but then submerged himself into the salty water. As he stood up again, he took a deep breath. I grinned, then swam over to him.

"That wasn't any better" Germany told me, pouting just a bit.

"I didn't say it would be better, I said it'd be faster" I said to him, splashing him and giggling. He huffed, pushing back his blonde hair that was now in his eyes. Then surprisingly, he splashed back at me, playing along with my childish game.

We played in the waves for a few minutes, me splashing Germany, and him grabbing my foot under the water, almost pulling me down but instead coming up and nestling me.

Everything was just as I expected our honeymoon to be; Germany being adorable, the ocean being amazing, and my heart full of happiness.

Well, it was like that for a good while at least, until I heard a helicopter above us.

Both Germany and I looked up in confusion, and immediately I saw Germany's face fall.

"Nein, this cannot be happening..." Germany uttered softly, a bit traumatized.

Soaring above us in the sky was definitely a helicopter, but not a regular  one. The American flag was painted on one side of it, while a bald eagle stretched across the other. I felt dizzy as I looked at the gold painted wings whirring down towards us. The helicopter was only a few feet above us when the door to it opened.

"You bastards probably thought I was joking about the Americopter!" America yelled towards us from the helicopter, laughing. "Well as you can see, this hero is always capable of finding anyone anywhere!"

Germany was rubbing his temples, and it seemed he was saying something under his breath as well. I couldn't hear, but I could only guess they were bad words.

Intractable Emotion. (A GerIta fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now