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~Chapter XVIII.~



Romano's P.O.V.

I woke up to someone ringing Spain's doorbell at one hundred rings per second.


"What the hell is this crap this early?!"

Grumpily, I tried to get up, but Spain's arms wrapped around my waist stopped me from standing. How's he sleeping through all this?!

"Lay back down, mi amor. They'll leave in a bit" Spain whispered into my ear, automatically slumping back down onto the bed and sleeping again. I tried taking his advice, but even after 10 minutes of waiting for the stupido at the door to leave, the ringing consistently continued.

"ARGH, SCREW THIS! GET UP SPAIN!" I yelled, shaking him off the bed and walking towards the door.

" 'Ey, why do I have to get up too if you're answering the door?!" Spain questioned.

"You have to make sure I don't kill the person at the door!".

I stomped my way over to the door covered in a blanket, opening it ready to scream at someone until their ears bleed.

"Okay culo what makes you think you can..." I started chewing out the 'guest', until I saw who it was. It was Italy. Crying like a wuss. Like always.

I cannot deal with this this early in the morning.

"R-Romanoooo!" Italy whined, attacking me with a hug. I pushed him off, covering myself back up with the blanket and pushing him inside the house.

"Okay, why the hell are you here, Feliciano?" I asked him, rubbing my forehead in annoyance.

"I needed t-to talk to you" Italy sniffled, blowing his nose into his sleeve.

I grimaced at his stained sleeve. "How'd you know I was here?!"

"I just guessed," Italy answered, "but I need to talk to you about Germany! È molto importante!"

"What about Germany?" I questioned, wondering what this fastidioso couple was fighting about.

"Ludwig's been ignoring me for days, and he's always hiding when he's on the phone, and he's always randomly leaving the house, and and..."

"STOP stop, just...stop. This is getting too annoying for me to hear" I admitted. I sat and thought about it for a while. "Are you sure he's not just working a lot? Germany does like wars."

"No, he always tells me if it's work, but he refuses to tell me what he's doing! What if he found someone else?! What if it's a cuter little italian who doesn't almost burn his house down every week?! YOU HAVE TO HELP ME, MIO FRATELLO!" Italy exclaimed, and I sighed.

"First, let's just go to the kitchen and get something to eat" I told him, hoping he'd stop freaking out if he ate. Spain was making breakfast shirtless, whistling some really weird jingle.

"STUPIDO, PUT A SHIRT ON WE HAVE GUESTS!" I yelled at him, turning red and covering Italy's eyes. Spain ran and got a shirt, quickly putting it on and turning red as well. I have to admit to being a bit nervous Spain and Italy were in the same room again. It's not like I don't trust that Spain is mine, but I'm just very selfish with what's mine.

"Lo siento, Italy. I didn't think we'd have a real guest. I thought Romano would just kill the person at the door and I'd have to hide a body after breakfast" Spain said, smiling from his joke. I punched his arm, siting myself and Italy down at the kitchen table.

"So now that you're not crying like a little bambino, tell me why you're so worried by Germany's behavior" I told Italy, drinking tea Spain served me. It's really the only thing England does right.

"I-It's just not natural for him to act like this. He usually spends all day with me on his days off from world meetings and such. I don't want to get in his way, but I'm scared of him forgetting about me.." Feliciano sniffled, taking a napkin and blowing his nose.

"Why'd you come to me with this? I give crappy advice."

"Because Germany seems to trust you, I mean he helped you on that date, and he would talk to you at Austria's house" Italy answered, looking like a puppy whimpering. I scratched my nose nervously.

"That's just because he owed me that he helped me on the date, and at Austria's... He just needed help with something" I said vaguely, remembering Italy knew nothing about Germany's jealousy.


"OKAY YOU BASTARD NOW STOP WHINING!" I yelled, feeling a headache about to come. "Let me get dressed, I'll go see him."

"Ti voglio bene, Romano, ti voglio bene, ti voglio bene, ti voglio bene!" Italy cheered, getting up and jumping in excitement, I don't know why he was excited about me talking to his boyfriend but whatever.

I went into my room and put on some casual clothes, wanting to get all this dramatic soap opera shit over with.


I walked up to Germany's porch, banging the door impatiently. After a few minutes, he answered, looking tired and annoyed.

"Oh, Romano, why are you here?" He asked.

"I'll answer that when you answer why you're being an ass" I told him, crossing my arms.

"Huh?" Germany questioned, confused.

"Italy reduced my cuddling and sleeping time this morning by coming over early and whining for an hour, all because you wouldn't talk to him. Why won't you just grow some balls?"

Germany made an "ohh" face, then sighed deeply. "Traurig, but I just can't talk to Italy at this time. There's many things going on, I can't get into detail."

"That's bull, tell me what's going on!" I yelled, annoyed by this idiotic couple.

"Please Romano, just leave. Don't worry, I'm not mad or upset with Italy. That's all you need to know."

Before I could cuss him out, he closed the door again, leaving me annoyed and curious as to what's on his mind.

"Ugh, what am I supposed to tell Feliciano..." I wondered, walking back to my car waiting to punch one of my windows out.

*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*


Heyo again guys! Sorry for not updating in a while, but I finally had time to write during a Thanksgiving break, so here's an update. I'm sorry for how short it is, but don't worry, there's much to come cx Thank you all for reading and commenting and liking! I wish I could go to all of your houses and give you big hugs (but my teachers tell me that would make me a 'stalker', psshhh)!

Question of the Chapter:

What characters from different animes do you think would get along with a certain character from Hetalia?

I always thought that France and Tamaki from OHSHC would get along, and Italy and Momiji from Fruits Basket maybe XD idk, there're so many Animes I've watched, it'd take me hours to remember all the characters.

Okay, well that's all folks!


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