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~Chapter XVII.~



Prussia's P.O.V.

My little brother thinks he has ze rights to play such a trick on me?! Sending my men back vithout me ordering them back! Vhy is he rebelling against my commands all of the sudden?!

As I stormed down ze hallway to give him a piece of my mind, I suddenly bumped into ze masculine vigure that is my brother. Even though he was larger than I, he was not as awesome as me, ze awesome Prussia!

"How dare you! Giving my men orders and impersonating me?! Vhat is your pr-" I was about to go on into why he needs to listen to whatever I say, but he cut me off quick.

"Mund halten Sie bildet Ruck*! You have no authority over me, and I have my own Country to run, I do not need you telling me that I cannot do as I please" Germany exclaimed at me, anger showing in his pale blue eyes.

"Vhy can't I!? I'm your older brother, and as such you must listen!"

"I shall give you a good reason, because you're a hypocrite!" Ludwig said boldly.

"Me?! You are insane!" I yelled back, mad at his accusations.

"Oh really?! You've kept me and Italy apart due to his weak nature, yet you're dating CANADA of all Countries!" He pointed out, and I had to take a step back to realize vhat he said. How'd he figure that out? Our relationship had not been shared with even our comrade Countries yet!

"C-Canada is different" I said nervously.

"How exactly? If anything, Italy is a little stronger of a Country than Canada. You have to break up with Canada if I break up with Italy" he stated. I couldn't find an argument, he vhas right about Canada being weak.

"...he is different, Canada tries very hard to be a strong country, it's not his fault he's not noticed, yet Italy, whose grandfather was one of the strongest empires, doesn't try and gives up easily, waving his white flags everywhere" I said, not wanting to give in.

Germany became quiet, as if realizing I was vright. "Why does he have to be strong to be with me? Ja, he doesn't fight, Ja he gives in easily, but he's not a country that has no strong points. His cuisine skills and fine arts is extraordinary, and he has many allies now. He has many great prospects as a Country, but that's not why I'm...interested in him. He's not just someone I can give up easily."

I vhas a bit stunned by Germany sharing his feelings so openly, but I still didn't believe they should be together. "As your older brother, I must make sure you don't become close to ze wrong Countries. In the past of your Country, you've had many tough wars, corrupt leaders, I cannot let you take on Italy's battles". Ludwig sighed, seeming annoyed.

"I did not want to have to do this, but I guess since you won't listen to me" Germany said, walking into the next room. He came back with Canada, who looked a bit upset.

"Matthew? Vhy are you here?!" I asked, surprised.

"Gilbert...I think we should talk" Canada told me, louder than how he usually talks.


Canada and I had been sitting in my office alone for a vhile now. It seems he's been thinking of vhat to tell me. It sort of scares me to see his upset.

Finally, after vhat seemed like centuries, Canada began talking. "Do you remember when we began dating?" He asked me, laying his face onto his bear.

"Of course. Why?"

"At that time, you were the strong and awesome Prussia, and I was the invisible and wimpy Canada. I still am, but I've tried to become stronger to stand by your side. I remember hearing so many rumors going around from your soldiers about how I was too weak, and I remember your relatives becoming hostile towards me and saying I shouldn't be with you. Even so, you held my hand through it and told me you were too awesome for them anyways. You didn't give me up, so why should Germany give Italy up?" Canada said, a bit sad. I rubbed my forehead, feeling bad.

"He already has a rough history, I don't vhant him screwing up his Country" I told him, sighing.

"I understand you're worried about your brother, but hasn't he always built up his Country stronger by himself every time he's had a war or a problem? He's not weak, in fact he might be a stronger Country than you. Germany can make his own decisions. Besides, don't you think Italy will want to become strong as well so he can stand beside Ludwig? They're very close already, I've heard many things about them from the allies. You can't just ruin that for him."

Again, I sighed, this time regretful for starting all of this. "You're vright. Even ze awesome Prussia makes mistakes. I just wanted to make sure he didn't ruin his reputation, but I know he can rebuild it either way."

Canada smiled, walking over to me and hugging me. He was warm, and smelled strongly like maple syrup, which made me hold him tighter. Usually he'd be blushing crazily vhile hugging me, but this time all he did vhas smile softly, petting my hair.

"Let's go apologize to Ludwig and Feliciano, and then we can go home, okay?" Canada said softly, looking at me. I grinned confidently, and nodded.



Italy's P.O.V.

I peered out of my bedroom door. Germany and Prussia had been yelling for a while, but now it seemed to have died down. When I looked out, Germany was sitting in the living room, looking tired and annoyed. I slowly walked over to him.

"I told you that you shouldn't yell at your brother that much, it'll cause more problems" I told him, softly petting him like a cat. He looked up at me with his icy eyes and smiled.

"Ja, I'm sorry. He just got me worked up."

I gleamed back at him, taking a seat on his lap and wrapping my arms around his neck. "Is Prussia going to break us up?" I asked him sadly. He looked at me confused, then chuckled, kissing the bridge of my nose.

"Nein, he might be mad for a while, but he won't "break us up". I won't let you go that easily" Germany replied to me, making me blush. He always made me feel better with simple words.


"Ja, Feliciano?"

"I won't let you go easily either" I said confidently, smiling brightly.

*・゜゚・*:....:*'(*゚▽゚*)'*:.. ..:*・゜゚・*

Mund halten Sie bildet Ruck! - Shut up you conceited jerk!


HAPPY HALLOWEEN GUYYYSS AGHHH OMFFFGGG. Well it's like 2 in the morning here but still, it counts as Halloween. I'm gonna be a day of the dead skeleton, what about you guys??? My birthday is in 2 days on day of the dead too so I'm excited about that too. I'm hoping to get my cosplay c:

arghh I feel rly bad since I promised you all this chapter earlier! It's also pretty short, I'm sorry about that too, but tell me if you liked it. Thank you all again soooo much for reading! I just realized I have a little more than 6k reads on the first chapter of this story and I was so happy I wanted to cry. I never thought this fanfic would be read by so many, and I never thought I'd go this far with it. I'm still hoping to continue it for a while though, so I hope you all continue to enjoy it!


If you could make a band out of 5 different countries from Hetalia, what countries would be in it and who would play what instrument?

This question is so random aha, but I'd probably go with France as lead singer, America as lead guitarist, England on keyboard, Prussia on drums, and Greece on bass guitar (idk why Greece just seems like he'd fit).



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