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~Chapter Ⅶ.~



Germany's P.O.V.-


When I remembered that there was going to be two Italians at the dinner,

I knew there'd have to be pasta.

But, I didn't think there was going to be so much pasta that I can drown Russia's home with it. The most surprising part was that there was none left over (and I'm pretty sure that's mainly due to Feliciano).

Now it's after dinner, and I'm surprised Italy doesn't have a stomach ache. "Austria said we should stay in my old room, so follow me, Germany! I still know the way!" Italy said happily, merrily walking down the hall. I smiled at his enthusiasm, following close behind him. The walls were decorated with many of Austria's ancestor's portraits. Occasionally, there'd be a picture of Feliciano as a child, but mostly, they were of prouder-looking men who looked vain. Italy seemed to not care for any of the decor and instead was focused on getting to the room.

As we entered the room, I noticed the room seemed to express Italy's personality. The bed looked fluffier than normal ones, and the window showed a great view over the land. The walls were covered in his younger drawings, and a lot of them showed a person who looked familiar to me. "Italy, who's this?" I questioned, pointing to the boy.

"Ah, that's Holy Rome" Italy answered, looking at it with what seemed like lament.

"Was he a friend of yours when you were smaller?" I asked.

"Sì, he was."

"...When was the last time you talked to him?"

"I don't remember, the last time I saw him was when he left to be his own independent nation." Italy's voice seemed sorrowful, as he looked at the picture. I watched him for a second, then walked over to where he stood near the portrait, resting my hand on his shoulder.

"D-do you want something to drink?" I asked, unsure of how to cheer him up.

He looked at me, putting on a small smile. "Sì, that sounds nice. Can I have some warm milk?" Feliciano said, looking a little more excited.

"Ja, of course. I'll be right back". I gently ruffled his hair, then walked to and out the door. The hallway was larger than I remembered from a moment ago, maybe because I was paying more attention to the paintings. As I turned the corner, I heard faint voices in the hall. I quickly walked back and his behind the corner before the voices' owners noticed me.

"Are you really still after Italy? Life's too short to only have one love, mon ami*" I heard softly, right away knowing it was France behind it.

"Well, sì, I'm sorry I'm not you Francis, but it's not easy to give up on your feelings. Don't worry amigo, I'll give it more effort while he's visiting" I heard Spain reply, surprising me with his thoughts. As I heard this, my mood darkened, and I felt jealousy bubbling up.

"Hé hé*, I didn't say to give up on amour, I'm just telling you that you have to be filled with more romance instead of willpower."

"Cualquier*, I'll try my best on my own."

"But don't you think it's wrong time?"

"Por qué*?"

"Don't you think Italy and Germany might know."

"Lovers? You think?"

"Well, before and during dinner, they seemed prettttyyy close. Plus, they are sharing a room. He's been living with Germany for a while now, and vous savez* Italy's a cute one."

"Does everyone think Italy's cute? I thought it was just me" I pondered, a little upset as I still listened to Francis's and Antonio's conversation.

"But Italy's so sensitive and sweet, while Germany seems so strong and strict" Spain commented.

"Ouch, don't know why but that was kind of hurtful to hear."

"Well, opposites attract! l'amour est l'amour*!"

"Hmmm, you may be right. But we're not sure, they may just be close amigos! I'll still try my best to get close to Italy."

"Ha ha, combattre, mon ami*! Life is too short to waste."

"Gracias, Francis!" Spain replied, chuckling and walking away. I sat in the hall for a few minutes, trying to take in what I just heard before going back.

"So, when Romano said one of their relatives loved Italy, he was speaking of Spain? I thought they had a lover relationship. This is really too much of a shock."

After a while of soaking in this news, I stood back up and, instead of going to fetch drinks, I turned back around and headed straight to the room. I needed to see Feliciano. I needed to know he was in the room we shared, that he was mine. I needed to see his smile. I ran into the room, opening the door quickly to see Italy laying on the bed and sketching. "Ludwig, what's wrong? Where's the milk?" He asked me, looking confused.

"Ah, traurig, it seems I couldn't find the kitchen, and I didn't want to wander around suspiciously for so long this late at night" I lied, swiftly walking over to him, sitting on the bed near him, and hugging him tight. I could never, in a million years, tell him I ran back to him because I felt extremely scared that I'd lose him, or that I was jealous. Italy's face seemed flushed as he hugged me back, looking at me with curiosity.

"Do you want me to go get the drinks?" Italy asked, as he snuggled into my chest.

"If you want to, but not yet, just stay here for a while longer" I whispered to him, holding him closer. I felt him nod as he began playing with my shirt. I began kissing down his neck, running my hands through his hair. Italy let out a soft squeak, causing me to become extremely happy. I leaned my head to his ear, whispering the words I wanted him to know.



"You're mine, okay? I won't let anyone else have you."

Italy stayed silent for a second, holding me a bit tighter. "....if I'm yours, does that make you mine?"

I chuckled at his question, leaning down to kiss him softly. "Of course, it wouldn't be fair if I only had you and you not me."

Italy laughed a bit as well, picking up his head to stare into my eyes. "Good, 'cause I don't want to let you go either. Don't let anyone else have you, alright?"

I smiled down at him, tracing his cheek bone as I looked at his appealing face.

"I wouldn't want anyone else to anyways."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

French translations*:

Mon ami- My friend

Hé hé- Hey, hey

Amour- Love

Vous savez- You know

l'amour est l'amour- Love is Love

Combattre, mon ami- Fight on, my friend


Spanish Translations*:

Cualquier- Don't worry

Por qué- Why?

Gracias- thank you

Amigo- friend

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