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~ Chapter X. ~



Romano's P.O.V.

Ever since we had gotten home from the trader's market, like 5 hours ago, Spain has locked himself up in his room, refusing to come out for dinner. He was lucky enough to have a restroom inside his room, because I had a gut feeling that even if he just stepped out of his room for a second, we'd all tackle him to the ground and force him to explain what happened. Let's just say that labeling it as a 'concern' to everyone in the household was an understatement; it was more of a family crisis.

Of course, with him being this depressed about something, I could most likely guess it had to do with Italy and him at the market. I bet it was something along the lines of Spain exclaiming his love for Italy and Italy mistaking it for family love. It would be a mistake Italy would be stupid enough to make, so it's legitimately believable.

Well, don't trust me, that's just my sixth sense.

Anyways, we were all gathered in the dining area now, everyone trying to think of ways to get Spain to stop being emotional and come out of his room. France sat next to me quiet, a look of guilt in his eyes. Austria played a loud G-note on his piano to get everyone focused.

"Alright, alright! Now who has an idea to get that idiot out of his room?" He asked, seeming to look bored. Italy raised his hand quickly, surprising me.

"Okay, Italy, go ahead. What's your idea?"

Veneziano stood up, looking around the room. He waited until everything was extremely quiet, taking a deep breath, and then beginning to exclaim "PAAASSSSTT---"

Until Germany pulled on his arm, forcing him to sit back down, and huffed one quiet but strong "NEIN" to him. Italy looked really disappointed.

Man, mi stupido idiota of a brother.

Everybody stayed pretty silent after that, until Austria coughed. "Well, I could always play the piano for him, everyone knows that my playing cures even the most depressing mood an--"

"No" we all replied simultaneously, causing Austria to huff and walk out. Now it was just me, France, Germany, and Italy.

After awkward silence, Germany spoke up.

"Wellll, I believe it'd be best if Romano went to talk to him."

I nearly choked on air.

"W-Why-a me?!" I asked startled.

"Spain pretty much raised you, so you two have an intellectual relationship in a way we don't with him. Even though he was the one doing the understanding as you were growing up, it's time for you to switch roles and help him. Besides, it's pretty definite that the three of us couldn't do anything for him" Germany explained, motioning to him, Italy, and France, who looked interested finally.

"Ah, oui oui! That sounds like an interesting plan!" France spoke up, smirking.

"Sì, I agree as well, VE~" Italy chirped in, just going along with everyone else. I looked at all of them, wanting to refuse, but instead, I nodded, understanding their reasoning.

I sighed. "Fine, sì, I'll go talk to him, but I don't think I'll be of much help". As I walked down the hallway to see Spain, I looked back. Germany gave me a reassuring smile, and even though I disliked Germany, he wasn't so bad. Maybe he wasn't the same person who hurt my brother.

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