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Chapter XII.



Spain's P.O.V.

Sighing with nervousness, I knocked on Romano's door softly twice. After a few minutes without an answer, I was about to walk away, but right as I was, I heard the door creak open slowly. Romano looked at me, and then motioned for me to step inside his room. After I did, he swiftly closed the door, locking it, then turning around to look at me.

Uncomfortable, I began twiddling my thumbs. "So..." I said, trying to break the silence. Romano stayed watching me for a while after, but then huffed and sat on his bed.

"Damn, I didn't think it'd be this awkward. Calmare perdente, I won't leap on you like last time. I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back yesterday" Romano explained, a sorrowful expression on his face. It hurt me to see him feeling that guilty.

"Ah, it's okay! Estoy bien! Don't worry about that!" I said quickly, waving my hands dismissively.

Romano peered over to me for a while, that guilty look still on his face, then sighed and patted his bed for me to sit on it. I reluctantly did, but seeing his facial expression look a little less stressed made me relax as well. We sat there in a mid-comfortable silence until Lovino broke it.

"You do understand what I meant by kissing you yesterday, sì?" Romano asked me, looking up at the ceiling to avoid making eye contact. I blushed a bit, nodding and peering down.

"Good, I'd thought you'd be such a jackass that you'd be in denial. Well, I guess I should say it officially though."

I looked up at him curiously, noticing how red his face was. Aww, he looks like an adorable poco tomate.

As I was thinking of this, a warm soft hand slipped into mine. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him surprised. Romano's eyes were peering directly and intently into my own, and his face looked extremely serious.

"Antonio, I'm in love with you. I really am, even though you're a bastard that screws around with my feelings, I can't stop being so madly in love with you that I lose control and cuss others out. Well, the cussing parts just part of my nature, but still. I didn't have courage to say this to you until now. I know it's a really shitty move since you just got turned down by my brother, but I couldn't help it". As Romano finished, he turned away swiftly, clearly embarrassed.

"R-Romano, I don't know, I've always just thought of you as family, I'm your-"

"Precious Big Brother~" Romano mocked, clearly using Italy's accent. I became silent, not knowing how he knew that line from when Italy unknowingly rejected me.

"Yeah, I heard my idiota of a brother gladly exclaiming that to you at the market. I saw how much it hurt you as well, so please, since you know how it is, don't reject me, at least not yet. Give me a chance. I know you've never thought of me as a possible lover, but can you try?" He asked me, looking hopeful.

Thinking about it, I always look at Romano and think he's cute, and since I raised him, we share a lot of the same interests. But, I mean, how can I suddenly think of him as a romantic interest after raising him? It's so confusing.

"I-I don't kno-"

I was cut off by Romano's lips pressing roughly against mine. After a few minutes of struggling to break away, I gave in and began kissing him back. I'm surprised by how experienced he is in kissing. I feel his warm hands slip under my shirt, making me shiver. My heart began racing for an unknown reason, but I couldn't help wanting to hold Romano back. Suddenly, he broke apart from me, breathing heavily.

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