Part Five

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The next morning would be the last check up before Luhan could leave the hospital. He was happy, yet sad. He knew that once he leaves the hospital, the others and Sehun have to leave and go back to Korea. But he was happy he at least got a kiss from Sehun- even if it was on his forehead. Sehun went into the room and saw Luhan and his mum signing papers. He sighed. He didn't want to leave Luhan. But he knew that he has to go back. Luhan noticed him standing there in thought. "Hey Sehun, are you okay?" Luhan asked. "Ne, I guess tomorrow we have to leave." Sehun said with tears in his eyes. Luhan noticed and went to Sehun. "Sehunnie, I really want to come back, but I just can't. I would, but SMent..." Luhan trailed his voice. " I-I understand. Goodbye Luhan." Sehun walked out. Crying.

The next day~
     It was Luhan's discharge day. He couldn't help but to think of Sehun. As he was getting his stuff, the members came in. They were all painted with sadness, knowing that this was one last time they would see their friend. "Lu-ge. We will miss you!" Baekhyun shouted. The others nodded in agreement. "I'm sorry. I- This is all my fault." Lu cried. He was sobbing. "Lulu. None of this is your fault." The unicorn said. Luhan sighed. " Wait where's Sehun." He asked. "He's at the hotel. He doesn't want you to see him right now." Suho said sadly. Luhan's heart hurt. 'He doesn't wanna see me...' He thought. "I miss him." Luhan muttered quietly. No one heard. "I guess I have to go now. Goodbye. And good luck. Fighting!" Luhan tried to say cheerily. "Annyeong Lulu, we will try to see you soon." The members said, hugging him. "LuLu you ready now?" His mother asked. "Ne. Goodbye guys. Wo Ai Ni." He said as he walked out. The members sighed. Baekhyun slapped Suho's head. "Aish you should've told him the maknae really was." He scolded. They all walked to the room 3 doors down. They all gathered around in the room. They gathered around Sehun. " We hope you get better soon maknae." Each of the members said.

Thank you for waiting for this chapter. And thanks for even reading my book~ I hope you guys enjoy! See you soon~

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