Chapter Sixteen

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Sehun's POV

Lily rang up Jessica after we had a little moment of happiness. She put her call on speaker and told us to not make a sound at all.

"I see you're calling now Lily." Jessica said through the phone.

"I need to talk to you about Luhan and Sehun." Lily said strictly.

"Go ahead my friend."

"Huh...okay. Luhan and I were put into an arranged marriage, but at the time Luhan was a friend. I soon fell in love with him. But as his relationship grew with Sehun, I began to feel jealous so I decided to date Suho. Seeing that you and your husband are trying to destroy their relationship, I decided that I want to help."

"Wow, I'd never expect this from you. I guess I really should have remained friends with you. Such a devious flower. I like it." Jessica laughed. Lily glared at the phone.

"Meet me at the cafe at your hotel. I'll have you properly meet my husband. Be sure that none of those sorry ass losers know."

"Okay, see you soon Jess."

"You're okay with this right?" I asked Lily, who sighed after hanging up. She put her hand on my shoulder. "Sehun, Luhan, both of you deserve your happiness. You know that right?" Lu and I both nodded. "So once the both of you are happy, I will be. And this time, I have my new love, Suho." She smiled.

Luhannie and I hugged her. "Okay, time to face the Devils." She said as she pulled away from our hug.

"We'll listen and record everything in the conversation. And if anything goes wrong, we will tell you what to say through this earpiece. Lucky for you, it matches your skin tone." Yoongi explained to Lily as he put the devices on her. She nodded and went downstairs after she put on her shoes.

"Okay guys, I don't trust this married couple after seeing their records. So, I will give you guys these silent guns. Just keep them under your bed or something just in case something happens." Yoongi explained as soon as Lily closed the door. "But wouldn't they just trust Lily." Suho said, trying to avoid carrying a gun.

"You never know. They have power to do plenty of things. And don't forget, some crazy, delusional fans are on a hunt for blood after hearing about the relationship, so you're pretty much defending yourself as well." And with what Jimin said, we picked up the guns.


Third Person POV

Lily had sat down across from Kris and Jessica.

"So the girl finally decided to join us eh?" Kris commented. Lily nodded confidently as Kris smiled. "Perfect, we needed an insider anyways."

"Let's cut to the chase. What do I have to do?" Lily asked, maintaining a blunt voice.

"Alright cold flower, all you have to do is kill Sehun. It should be simple, especially for you." Jessica smirked. Lily lost her cold image and gaped.

Yoongi quickly took the mic and spoke through the earbud, seeing that Lily is in a bit of trouble.

"Control to Lily. Lily, agree to her proposal. Luhan, Sehun, and I came up with a plan don't worry. Just make sure that they trust you 110%." Lily listened and regained her composure.

"So, are you up for it?" Kris smirked. That dumb smirk of yours won't last long.

"I'll do it. But if you betray me, I won't hesitate to kill the both of you. Even if you are a dear friend." Lily remarked bluntly as she got up and left the cafe.

Little did she know...

"She actually believed it. Good job wifey." Kris smiled to Jessica as he gave her a light peck on her cheek.

"Hubby, I told you I would take care of them. Let's get to our real plans and call our insider."


The book has reached 3K reads! Thanks for all the reads~ sorry for this chapter being short. My stupid self accidentally deleted all of the work in this chapter so I had to do it all over again.

By the way, I will be traveling back to the Motherland (Vietnam) before I begin band camp and go back to school. I will most likely update when I am on the plane as it is a 13+ hour flight from California to Vietnam. Other than those updates, I'll be on vacation^^.


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