Chapter Eighteen

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Lily's POV

I quickly ran over to Sehun and checked his pulse.

Shit, that thing has him out cold.

I looked over to Yoongi and Hoseok, who were tied up, both giving Taehyung, Jessica, and Kris death glares while struggling to get out of the restraints.

"How can you do this?!" I shouted at them, obviously pissed off.

"My puppet, did you really think that we would expect you to kill your friend?" Jessica scoffed. "And the maknae was ever so dear to Luhan. In this way, my husband was able to get his revenge on the member that betrayed him." She rolled her eyes.

I looked over to Kris in disgust. "You! The members argued with you over proposing to her because they wanted to protect you! As brothers, they wanted to give you advice. You son of a bitch. They were trying to help your career!" I shouted at Kris. His expression went from amused to anger.

"Bullshit, if they were my brothers, they would have supported me marrying the love of my life! They were the ones who caused all this! If they supported me and helped me talk to the agency, I would still be with them!" He retorted, but in his eyes, I see pain and regret. He's regretting leaving EXO.

"You-you regret it don't you?" I was playing a dangerous mind game, but damn, it seems like the only plan right now.

He scoffed, may I add that it was very fake.

"What makes you think I regret leaving? I'm now married to someone I love."

"You're lying. I see it in your eyes. You don't love Jessica as much as you love your bandmates, your brothers." I squinted my eyes.

"W-who are you to say such a thing?" He asked nervously.

"You need to stop denying it. You are falling out of love with Jessica aren't you? Because of her, you lost the people that you loved the most. You lost your backbone."

He opened his mouth but Jessica cut him off.

"If he had fallen out of love with me, then why would he still be standing here, next to me?" Jessica smirked.

That smirk was wiped off her face when she heard the cock of a gun.

"I don't love you. You ruined me. You're the reason why I lost my brothers. Taehyung, untie them and revive Sehun. I will pay you more than what we- no what Jessica offered you." He commanded, still pointing the gun at Jessica while Taehyung did as he was told.

"K-kris, what the hell are you doing? Why would you do this to me? I was trying to help you!" She screeched with that damn annoying voice of hers.

"You always made it about you. Lily please retain her for me." I nodded and walked over to Jessica.

"Don't you dare come close to me." She gritted her teeth. I stopped, but I did my specialty move in a blink of an eye.

She was retained..and unconscious.

Now we have another problem- Sehun's life on the line.

First off, I've got to apologize. I'm very sorry.

But holYyy crap I haven't updated for more than a month. School is already a huge pain in the ass so I had no time to do my whole write, edit, publish process.

Again, I apologize.

Additionally, the next chapter will be the last.


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