Chapter 9

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I got up early the next morning. Sleep didn't come easy after the Vick incident. Elena was still sleeping so I went downstairs quietly trying not to wake her up. The first thing I thought about when I got up was food. That made me feel so stupid. But come on how can you not think of food when you get up. 

     So following my first instinct I went into the kitchen to get food. I grabbed my breakfast and headed towards the living room. Something outside the window caught my eye though. I ran to the door and opened it wide. There outside the door was my backpack. Wow Stefan must of showed up real early. I thought I was a early riser. I picked up my bag and shut the door. 

     Inside the bag was one of my outfits. It was a pair of patterned leggings, a long comfy sweater, and my cute scarf. I'm so glad that I have my outfits already laid out and together. If not I'm absolutely sure Stef didn't put this outfit together. 

      I went upstairs and went into the bathroom to get changed. I got changed and brushed my hair. I stood there for a moment trying to decide if I wanted my hair up or down. I just went with a ponytail. 

    I pulled out my phone from my back and thought about it for a sec. Then I went onto my contacts and called my dads cell. It rang a few times and then it went to voicemail. It's been like that every time call. I can't stand it. Is he ignoring me or worse somethings wrong. 

    I put my phone down and started to cry. I couldn't stand not knowing what's up with my dad. Then all the sudden the lights flickered and I heard a noise. The faucet turned on by itself and the water started running. Then the showered turned on too. It was beyond weird but I wasn't too surprised. This had been happening a lot lately especially when I got worked up about something. Like if was overly happy or angry or sad. 

     With that I stopped crying because I knew if I continued it waited get worse. It would throw stuff around the room even. So I wiped my tears and exited the bathroom. I found Lena awake and waiting at the door. "I'm gonna go get dressed and when I'm done we got to get to the sheriff's station. She wants to ask us a couple questions about Vicky" she told me. I immediately tensed up at that. She noticed this. "Don't worry I'll tell you what to say before we get there." I relaxed and nodded ok.  I went downstairs and waited by the door for Elena

 Hope you guys liked the short chapter. I'm sorry it is short but I was being a little lazy and wanted to get the part with her doing some magic in. I might have her meet Lexi in the next chapter 

Lillian SalvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now