Entrance (3)

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Ethan Hills, Black Crescent High School

5th September 2315, Saturday 8:23a.m.

I've always known that Neo-humans such as myself are able to mature faster than regular humans when it comes to our physical growth, but the President's body is curvaceous to the point where without a doubt, is even the dream form of some professional models out there. And if I'm not mistaken, she's only 16 years old, just like me. My eyes continue to remain transfixed upon her hips as she leads me down the hallway, half-admiring her form, half-wondering about the endless potentials of genetic engineering. Once the technology used to convert regular humans into their Neo-statuses become more widely available, is it possible for all women in the future to be this curvy as well?

"Hey! Are you listening to me?" comes a shrill, irritated voice that cuts through my train of thought like a flash of lightning.


"Geez..." Aimi frowns and sighs. "As I was saying, this is the classroom that you'll be in starting from Monday." She points at the doorway with a sign labelled '3-7' at the top. "We'll be in the same class. From now on, I'm assigned to watch you personally."

"Assigned? Shit... who ordered you?"

Aimi takes a deep breath and clenches her fist as if she's ready to explode at any given moment, but soon manages to calm herself down through much self-control. I say 'much self-control' because it definitely isn't easy for someone with a temper like hers. Coming from an aggressive gang leader such as myself, my opinion bears weight.

"First of all, language. You're in the top high school of the country, so look and act the part, even if you're a lowly criminal scum on the inside anyways," she speaks with unrestrained contempt, not looking at me in the eye for even a moment. "Next, you are to listen to my orders and obey each and every assignment that I give you from now on."

The more she talks, the more I find the chains that have been holding my temper down weakening with each passing moment. It's clear that she hates me for my background, but her disrespect is just too much for me to endure. I'm not even asking for her to respect me like how my clan members do. She's not even treating me like a normal human being. More like a filthy pest, actually.

"And why should I listen to you, bitch?" I make a strong emphasis on the last word, intentionally ignoring the language aspect of her demands. "Do you even know who I am? I don't take orders from anybody except my father."

"Oh?" The President then flashes a smirk. "Funny. You know, there was this person who's called... uhm... what's his name, Eizan Vyberon?"

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