Deal (3)

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Delta Sector, Rancouver Highway, Gunny Hotdogs

8th September 2315, Tuesday 10:57p.m.

"Eh? She did that?" Martin Stokes sneers while taking a drag of his cigarette. 

"Man... didn't know they were for real." Gilbert Thompson growls.

"Doesn't matter. I got it covered anyways." I sigh, taking a drag of my own cigarette as well. The cancerous vapour fills my lungs, and I let out a satisfied exhale.

At this hour, the fast food establishment doesn't really care about smokers. That's a given because most people who hang around these parts at this hour are smokers. This branch of Gunny Hotdogs is after all, located at the very edge of Aplium City, right next to Rancouver Highway. After 8 in the evening, most people hanging around are usually street racers or other gang-affiliated people.

Martin and Gilbert are both Red Dragons. They're not exactly high-ranking members within my clan, but they love racing themselves so they're often seen spending time around these parts. We'd always meet up for dinner whenever I'm in the mood for a match or two.

"Gee, boss." Dino takes a bite of his chilli dog, "If exorcists like her can control their spiritual energies, and spiritual energies actually exist, then doesn't that mean ghosts exist too?"

"Shut up, Dino." I flick the boy's forehead, causing him yelp and wince in pain. "Stick to cars instead of playing ghost busters."


"So boss..." Gilbert says as he lights another cigarette for himself, "If she's as tough as you said, then are your... y'know, arms... fine? I mean, you have a race tonight."

"Oh. Right. The bruises are still there. Hurts like hell, but I'll manage. Competition hasn't really been all that hot lately anyways."

"But boss!" Dino exclaims with his mouth still full of food, "They've got some big fishes tonight! The Fujioka Shadows will be here! And I mean the Takayanagi brothers!"

"Heh? Those bastards? The uh... number one team from Gunma Prefecture in Japan?"


"Wow. Damn, I've heard about them. Famous guys. Popular with the ladies. We're like, continents apart though. What're they doing so far away from their own country?"

An Eizan out of waterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن