Deal (2)

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Eizan Territory, 54th Tennet Drive, Silver's home 

8th September 2315, Tuesday 5:57p.m.

Silver has brought me to his house following the events in the afternoon. He even bought some dry, fashionable clothes along the way for me to wear. His driver Nicolai questioned about me but thankfully, Silver assured him that it's all right. I'm relieved that Silver did that for me, because Nicolai is everything I imagined as one of the Russian mobsters straight out of a gangster movie. I don't want to get on his bad side. That said, I've already left a very bad impression on Silver. Yet, he still does these things for me. Helping me out of the water, giving me his dry blazer for warmth, drawing unwanted attention away from me, and even letting me rest in his home for the time being. I'm surprised that he has a rather gentlemanly side to him, despite being so vulgar, apathetic and aggressive all the time.

"What am I thinking..." I murmur while laying on his living room's sofa, worried that I may be growing soft towards him.

Looking down at the outfit that he bought for me, I wonder how much money he spent on these clothes. A cropped t-shirt and a pair of denim short shorts from Miuuers, one of the most famous and expensive Korean brands available in Aplium City. Even though he's rich and the amount is nothing to him, it still bothers me a lot. That's probably because of the fact that I'm poor... and perhaps also because it's him.

Silver has seen the emotional and uncontrollable side of me. The feeling of guilt is so strong that I don't know how I should even talk to him after all that's happened. After letting me into his home, he's locked himself in his room for the rest of the afternoon. It's probably for the best. I can't face him for the time being. Even though I didn't exactly like him to begin with, he doesn't deserve to deal with this side of me. Nobody does. I've always hated my other half. I'm terrible at controlling my own emotions and power, even after all of the training that I had under my family. This side of me frightens people. I hope Silver isn't emotionally-scarred after seeing all of that. I don't want to be viewed as a monster by him, or anybody else. Though, I think most do already. After all, that wasn't the first time. I really, really hate this other half of me.

For the first time since we've arrived in his home, the sound of a door unlocking can be heard from above. Footsteps soon follow. From the corner of the stairs, I spot Silver clad in a black hoodie, branded shirt and tight jeans. A heavy gold chain with a shiny dollar sign dangles from his neck. To me, it's basically the textbook outfit of those who enjoy hanging out with outlaws. With hands crammed in his pockets,  he walks over to me with an unreadable expression.

"Silver, I---" I hastily get up from the sofa, clenching a fist over my heart in an effort to suppress the ache that's beginning to grow in my chest. "About this afternoon... I'm sorry."

"Forget it," Silver says. Despite all that he's been through, he doesn't even seem fazed in the slightest. Is this really the same Silver who I've tangled with this afternoon?

An Eizan out of waterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ