Deal (4)

33 1 3


Delta Sector, Rancouver Highway

8th September 2315, Tuesday 11:41p.m.

Once again thanks to Vyberon's instructions, I manage to find the location where the race is set to begin. Gathered behind the guardrails of the roads are sleazy-looking individuals awaiting for the event to commence. The meeting point for the racers is just up the hill, but the journey seems more arduous than it should've been. As I make my way through the galleries, most of the onlookers seem to be observing me with interest. They all seem to be whispering among themselves or even smirking at me, male and female alike. I'm willing to bet it's the scanty outfit that Silver bought for me. Whatever it is, I feel extremely out-of-place around these parts. I silently curse him again, wishing that some of my spiritual energy will magically aid me in my cause.

"Oh? Dude, check her out..."

"The things I'd do..."

"Isn't she a little young to be in here?"

Choosing to focus on the chirps of night insects rather than the murmurs of the crowd, I force myself to continue on my way. I hate this place, and I despise lowlifes like these people. As much as I wish to unleash my full powers against them, I know that it'd be irresponsible for me to do so. The only thing that I can realistically do right now is to plead with Silver one last time.

An ear-piercing screech rents the air, reminding me of the banshees that I used to read up from horror stories. It's not long before I realise that it's probably just one of the cars at the starting point of the race.

"Stupid race... stupid Silver..." I curse.

Eventually, I arrive at the top of the hill where several notable crowds are gathered at. Parked close to the guardrails are various powerful, sleek-looking sports sedan cars lined in long, neat rows. There must be at least ten of these super-powered vehicles around here, with more around the parking lots at the corners. 

However, not all of the men who're gathered around these cars are rugged-looking. Standing by the guardrails between the two lanes are several Asian men. They're smartly dressed in collared shirts and even blazers as if they're businessmen. If they're gathered at a place like this, then they can't possibly be on the right side of the law.

On the other lane are a group of thugs. Westerners. Their outfits are more casual as compared to the Asians, more similar to how Silver is dressed for tonight.

Finally, on the left lane are people whom I recognise among the gathering of the outlaws. I'm able to identify one of them as 'Gilbert', Silver's subordinate whom I've met earlier in the evening. I make my way towards the familiar group, right hand wrapped over my left arm for comfort, all the while trying to ignore the prying eyes and taunts from the gallery.

An Eizan out of waterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant